What the mdc leaves you with

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When you become an amateur designer (wattpad isn't professional, so i say amateur as we have no clients, briefs, and sadly don't get paid with money) you learn things. Things like color schemes, image quality, fonts, etc. suddenly become important and you start thinking on what could be better, how awesome something is, etc.

Below I'm listing some of the things that i am now cursed with.

1. Image Quality. "LAUREN IT'S FINE QUALITY WTF I DON'T SEE THE DIFFERENCE!" "THE PIXELS! DO YOU NOT SEE THIS? IT'S NOT A SIMILAR COLOR AND IT'S OBVIOUS IT'S BLOCK LIKE AND-" "WHATEVER JUST GO WITH IT" "BUT THE ONFOAFJAOWFO" *partner strangles me* When you have enough time creating and experiencing designing-after the beginner stage- you like quality. You're suddenly able to to tell the difference between 480p and 720p on youtube. Then every time you're doing a power point, group project, etc. that can let you possibly design, you look at the quality. Watching a power point or seeing a video is difficult because of this quality.

2.Awesome design mental orgasms. "OMG THE COLOR SCHEME IT'S JUST SO AMAZING AND LOOK AT THIS PENMANSHIP DAMNNNNNNNNNN. IT'S SO SMOOTH AND THE LINES AND IT JUST *TEAR* ALL COMES TOGETHER" I don't know if everyone has these, but if i see an innovative, clean, or well put together design (websites, covers, etc.) I take a moment to stare at it. I once sat on a page tearing up because it looked so good for 5 minutes. Maybe it's just me...

3. Decision influences. "This person is my friend, but... did her logo need to be rainb-OMG RANDOM PERSON'S POSTER AND DESIGN IS SO GOOD HOLYt290jr2 IMMA VOTE FOR YOU" The person who took their picture in the bus versus the person professionally edited in just seems to be a tough decision. They're your friend... but... their design... It's suddenly a hard choice and you want to be a good friend but... It's okay, I vote for the person with the best design too.

4. Micromanagement. "like one centimeter to the left..." "Lauren this poster is getting heavy..." "no no, just a little more to the right..." "Please, it's fine just let me let go-" "Okay just a little more up" *human dies* "WAIT THAT'S ALL WRONG MAKE IT GO BACK UP WIOAFJWAFIJLOS" You see that text in the middle of the cover... But it's not perfectly centered... and it starts to bother you. You know that just a pixel to the left/right would make it better and it needs to be that way. Same goes for set up of designer pieces (excluding your room, desk, and life choices). That nice symmetrical line doesn't seem so symmetrical anymore. And you notice everything now.

5. Website Design/Usage. For me, I simply can't stand Reddit. Maybe if i saw the design 3 years ago before i started this amateur design thing I'd like it, but no. I simply can't. And this happens to a lot of sites. "This website could have a design" "This website is too hard to navigate I'd probably do a better job" "wtf is this ugly thing nvm I'll go to competitor website with a GOOD design" It cuts the usage of a certain website and hurts you internally until you're able to appreciate the design, after a long. long. looooong time.

6. Organization. "Should I arrange these books by author, title, color, height, length, or do a nice random placement design"  If you aren't into organization, then this might of not have the last one happen to you. You've seen really nice pieces and you want to do the random placement thing, but one side feels slightly uneven and you don't have enough books and now you'll go get something that makes is right. Everything mentally needs to be balanced and have some type of coordination to make it look good.

7. Figuring stuff out/confusing your friends "Hmm... Did she blur the image the used the lasso to shape it like that? Maybe it was motion blur... It goes all around so it could be Gaussian blur..." "wtf are you talking about? Caucasian blur? that some type of blush or what?" You wonder how they do it an use names of tools and everyone is now confused at this magical foreign language you speak of. Then you explain it to them and they aren't interested anymore/think you're weird.

8. Wasting 3 hours of your life. "THIS IS AMAZING. IT ONLY TOOK 3 HOURS. JUST NEED TO ADD THIS MODEL..." *30 MINUTES LATER* "FUCK IT'S TOO UGLY I GIVE UP ILL TRY TOMORROW" Graphics start taking excessively long time and suddenly it's 1 am in the morning and you should go to sleep, but you're ALMOST there and then you delete it cause it's the ugliest thing you've made.  then you prove yourself worthy of graphic designing by staying up a few more hours and making another graphic.

9. Liking weird designs. "She's wearing a fucking bag on her head with swirly things around her" "YES BUT LOOK AT HOW NICE THE SWIRLS ARE AND HOW SHE MOST LIKELY PUT ON THE BAG OR THE DESIGNER EDITED IT IN :oOOOOOOOOOOofoakfo" You start liking weird things like a girl leaning on the title, people doing flips off of boxes, and just overall weird pictures that everyone else doesn't understand why you like it.

10. Color Coordination. "I'd rather buy this for 5 dollars... but.... it doesn't match the color scheme..." wait fuck all of you are broke using cracked versions of ps... or free editors... uhhh.... well... fuck extra number...

11. Group projects with images at school sucks. "It's just orange, why can't you just let it go?" "BECAUSEEEEEE everything else is blue and pink, we need to add more orange around the story to keep up consistency" "We don't have time" "SO DELETE IT LIKE I EFFIN ASKED." "NO JUST ACCE-" *deletes slide* So... You know you should be accepting of some things, but glaring errors or bad color schemes, imbalance, or ugly fonts just make you need to yell. Things that seem so unimportant before become the bane of your existence and no one gets it. and everyone says your being difficult... and when the teacher approves of the ugly thing everyone gives you a 'i told you so' look... but your dying inside. Why? Because it isn't held to your standard. Then if you're shy you get embarrassed and feel like crying on the inside.

These are a few things i noticed that makes everyone else in my life miserable ^.^ Notice something you do that makes everyone want to kill you? Comment it below. I don't want to feel alone in my reign of making everyone hating me.

crazies: a guide to the mdcTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon