Chapter 38

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We pull up outside the school and Taylor halts the car to a stop. He sits back in his seat and looks to me.

"I'm so glad that I don't have to come here anymore! The people here thought I was weird" He laughs as if the idea is crazy.

"Where could they get that idea from?" I laugh

"Exactly!" He says not noticing my sarcasm "You better get going" He leans over to me "Have a nice day at school Sky" He kisses my cheek

"You're such an old man" I tease and open the door. I look back to Taylor in the car.

"That way" He says pointing in the direction of the doors.

"How did you know that?" I ask. He doesn't respond, instead he taps the side of his head. I laugh and slam the door shut. I make my way towards the doors.

"Oh my god! You're Sky?" A girl asks me.

"Yeah I am" I say, confused.

"Are you dating Taylor?" Another girl asks.

"No she's dating Hayes" Another girl argues.

"I heard it was Matt" Yet another girl interjects.

"Can you get Jack Gilinsky to follow me on twitter?" Another girl asks. So this is what it's going to be like? Everybody only being my friend to get close to the boys.

"No I'm not dating Taylor, or Hayes, or Matt or any of them for that matter. And no I can't sorry" I say but no one seems to hear me. They swarm me with more questions about my love life and the boys.

"Follow me" I hear above the noise and I feel a hand wrap around mine, pulling me out of the crowd. "Sorry about them"

"It's okay, thanks for saving me" I look up to see a tall girl with brown, medium length hair and light brown skin.

"Any time. I see you're some kind of a celebrity"

"Not really. I'm just friends with 10 boys who are 'adored' all over the world. No biggie"

"Look, I'm not going to lie. I'm quite a big fan of the magcon boys and I know who you are. I'm not going to use you to get to the boys, I think you're really cool so if you want to be friends with me." She admits

"I'd love to but I don't even know your name?" I laugh

"Oh sorry, I'm Capricorn" She tells me.


"My parents are into their star signs- my sister is called Sagittarius"

"Wow" I say as the bell rings.

"Well I better go to home room"

"Where do I find reception?" I ask before she turns to leave

"Down the hall, take a left then a right and you're there"

"Left then a right" I repeat "Thanks"

"Oh hey, give me your phone" She says holding her hand out. I give her my phone and she types in it before handing it back. Her phone beeps. "You've got my number and I've got yours" She says waving her phone.

"Great, I better get going! Bye! Thanks again for saving me!" I say before walking away.

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