Skin And Bones

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A/N: Few things here to say:

1) A Place In This World reached 3k reads I'm so excited thank you thank you thank you!!!! That story was the first huge thing I ever actually carried through with so it means a lot that so many people took the time out of their day to sit down and read it. Some of it certainly isn't my best work hahah.

2) Every time I open my work the reads on this story grow and grow and grow! Since the last time I updated, this story has gained almost 200 reads I am literally freaking out! This is so insane!

3) I just found out this week that I will be returning to school this upcoming Monday. With the three weeks of school that we've missed, I don't know how teachers will compensate for that. I am preparing to get a dump load of homework, and like I've said before, I don't know how it will affect updates. I do have bits and pieces of the last chapters of this part, and I mostly have everything planned. But when it comes to part three especially and part four, who knows when I'll get to write.

4) Lastly, on a brighter note, I just want to thank you guys for the love and support. Every vote, every comment, means so much to me, and it's great motivation thank you so much!

I wrote a chapter under the same name as this about a billion years ago, and that was the beginning of this crazy journey. Back then I certainly wasn't as strong as I am today with my writing, and I didn't do this song the justice it deserves. So now here in am two years later with one that hopefully does.

Enjoy :)


"Come on Taylor, you have to eat!" I beg.

She is cradled in my arms, continuing to wail. I am rocking her, and trying my best to comfort her, but there is no progress. I put the bottle in her mouth again, but she spits it out, and turns her head. An ear splitting scream shatters the room.

"Shh! Shh Taylor. Calm down it's okay. You'll feel better if you just eat!"

I try to force the panicky feeling in my stomach down. Nothing is working. She has been crying a lot lately. I'm exhausted, and haven't slept in days. I wish Taylor were here -- she would know what to do. She always did. I couldn't help but flash back to when she was filming the music video for Mine. The baby they had on set kept crying in Taylor's arms, but as soon as she was handed to me, silence. Why can't that trick work now?

I hug my baby closer, and kiss her tears away. "Come on Taylor, you gotta stop crying. You need to drink your milk, you haven't eaten all day."

The worry I feel in my stomach is nauseating. It's been eight hard months of trying to raise my child. I could say by myself, but that really wasn't the case. I had plenty of help- - Taylor's family, my family. Even the guys were helping out -- Mike especially -- along with Carly.

I have been by myself the whole week, and it looks like that is the case today as well. I want help, I really do; but at the same time, I want to learn independence. For so long I've been wanting to curl into a ball, and escape it all. Give up; but I can't. This little girl in my arms constantly keeps me on my toes.

So much to the fact I couldn't even get to a phone today. She has been crying since the early morning. Every time I set her down to try and get help, she just cries harder.

I have changed her diaper, tried to burp her, and cheer her up. I have tried feeding her many times today, but she's refused it all. How am I supposed to fix this? I am ready to tear out my hair. The crying is beginning to get to me. No. The crying got to me a long time ago. The crying is turning me insane now.

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