Real Bum

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A/N: Hello dirty birds!  I am so excited about this story and I am even more excited that you guys are all enjoying it. Next coolest thing is that we are so close to 1000 total votes! So, help a girl out and go vote on your favorite chapters! It would mean the world to me. As always, stay birdy!


I sat on Elias' couch, staring into the fireplace. I wore his pajama pants and a t shirt. I was the definition of a bum. I hadn't said anything to him since we got in the car. He joined me on the couch, sure to give me some space. A small rocks glass with an amber liquid appeared in my hand. I looked at Elias, confused.

"You look like you need a drink." He said gruffly.

"Thank you." I accepted the drink, cupping the glass in my hands and stared back at the fireplace.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Elias inquired

I probably should tell him what was going on. There was just something telling me to figure it out on my own first. I knew Elias would try to step in and help and I didn't want what little bit of independence I had left to go away. My stubborn mind wanted to have a game plan of how I was going to handle this situation. I had nothing, there  was not one thing that I felt that I could be doing to help my own situation and no brilliant ideas were coming in.

"Can we go play in your room?" I asked, unsure of where the thought came from.

"Absolutely not." Elias scoffed.


"You are in no emotional state to perform as a submissive and it would be completely irresponsible of me to let that happen. Plus, you think I want to play with a rag doll of a woman?" Elias said concerned.

I tipped the  glass of smoky whiskey into the back of my mouth, finishing it.

"I think I lost my job." 

"Why do you think that, Clara?"

"They offered me a promotion."

"Are you sure you know what promotion means?" Elias chuckled.

"Yes, I know what it means you ass. They are only offering me a promotion because the events department can't afford to keep paying me the amount they are, so they have to reallocate funds to a different department, sales." I muttered.

"Sales is great Clara!"

"No! I don't want to do sales and I have no experience, and I just don't want to. I'm not accepting that at all."

"So, you are going to deny the promotion and do what then exactly?" Elias asked me calmly

"I have been trying to figure that out and I really don't have a clue. Maybe, I'll travel. Buy a bus and drive around the country. Maybe I will start painting full time. Servers make good money, I'll just serve again. Or maybe I'll move to LA, Daniel said I could live with him for...shit." I wanted to hit rewind as quickly as I could.

"Daniel said what?" He said way too calmly

"Nothing. He was just talking in the moment of everything, I'm sure he was." I said quickly.

"Were you considering it, tell me honestly."

"No, not considering, just thought about it a little. More interested in the novelty of it all than realistically thinking about it."

"If you chose to, I wouldn't be able to stop you, but I really, REALLY, don't want you to leave, Clara." The desperation in his voice rang through my ears.

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