Conference Confrontation

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So? What do we think about Clara? Is it too soon to tell? Please let me know what you think! It is really encouraging to watch numbers go up. So please, vote, leave a comment, add to your list, and share with another spicy minded friend. I am hoping to get on a regular posting schedule, I was thinking Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Thanks for reading, stay Birdy! -Pseudo 


It was 1PM and no one had showed up for this meeting that was supposed to happen at 9AM. Which was fine, I had things to do. There was paperwork up to my neck again, the place was a mess, but I still felt a slight frustration. I wanted to confront him and tell him, that I knew. I'm not sure what I knew but, I knew there was something he wanted to know about me. I interested him, I just need to answer the question of why now.

It was 3PM now and I was almost finished cleaning up their room, there was no phone call or any communication as to when they were coming or if they were coming at all.


I turned to see Elias leaning against the door frame to the room. I rolled my eyes.

"You're a little late, your own meeting has ended." I hissed jokingly.

"The meetings were only for one day." He said as he walked towards me. "I do have some other questions about the room for future reference. My team enjoyed the meeting here, so we will probably be back. Say, do these doors lock from the inside?"

"You're quite particular about our meeting rooms when you have your own just to your liking at your office building. No, these doors don't lock from the inside, just the outside and only managers can unlock them. We do have 'Meeting in Progress' signs that keep everyone out."

"I see. Can you put one of those out right now? I just want to see it."

"Uh, yeah I suppose so." I went and pressed a few buttons on the digital sign outside the door, so it read 'Meeting in Progress.' "Does that look ok?"

"Yeah that works." His face had no emotion. He was a statue. I heard him sigh and pull out his car keys. Mercedes of course. He was about to leave, I could tell, I had to confront him. What if I never saw him again?

"You know, I had every intention of getting you in this meeting room alone to figure you out and do some unspeakable things to you once I did." He turned to me. "I rented the rooms to figure you out. You were giving me some sort of clues last week, now we are here and I'm not getting anything from you. I thought I had it figured out, but I may be wrong again."

"Well maybe I have things to figure out too. I don't know you, but you certainly have enjoyed staring me down in the few encounters we've had."

He was walking towards me now. Hands in his jacket. I backed away, but I wasn't scared, I just wanted to see how close he would get. I ran into a table, stopping me from backing away anymore. He kept coming towards me, but he was smirking. I didn't want to get away. His hands stayed in his pockets, but he was against me now. I felt his jeans pulling on my dress, he was pressing himself into me.

"You were intrigued the minute we met. I know that now. You've intrigued me too though. I wouldn't be wasting my time if I weren't intrigued. How old are you Ms. Engel? You're just so curious." He spoke softly

"I wasn't doing anything to make you feel any sort of way, but I am curious, I just don't know why. I'm 21, Mr. Holt."

"Christ, you are young. You weren't doing anything on purpose to make me notice your curiosity, but I could practically smell it. What do you want to know?"

Elias Holt was keeping me still between his hips and the table. Without breaking eye contact, he took off his jacket and laid it on the table next to me. The navy-blue jacket was lined with the shiniest golden silk. I reached out to feel it and his hand met my wrist.

"Focus Clara." He said, still holding his gaze. "What do you need to now?"

"I just don't understand what you are doing. You see me two or three times and you rent out an entire conference center? Did you think you could just get me in a room alone in the most pretentious way and I would fuck you?" I snapped back. Although, I wasn't trying to have a tone, it came out with one.

Elias laughed. "You are a little spitfire, aren't you?"

I tried to turn away, but when I turned around, he pushed me into the table more, now with my ass against his groin. I gave into it and melted just enough for the back of my head to rest on his chest, he leaned into my ear.

"I'm not done talking to you, Ms. Engel."

"Why do you think I'm curious, you could just look strange and that may be why I gave you any kind of look."

"Do you think I look strange?"

"No." I replied defeated.

"I'm curious about you because you are a woman who is in charge of many people, obviously successful, especially at such a young age, and you spoke with such authority to me. I touched your hands, hoping to get some sort of stutter or reaction, and nothing."

"I still don't understand."

"Well, when I didn't get any reaction out of you. I thought that was it. Moving on, until you walked away and every muscle in your body relaxed. Your authoritative personality shattered, without you knowing, I got into your head."

"It was a large conference and you stressed me out over a cup of coffee. I was relieved to get away from your stress."

"I thought this too, until you put that microphone on my shirt and went somewhere else. Where did you go?"

"Oh, I, uhm. I was just focusing on a warmth."

"A warmth here?" He said, running his hand over the lips beneath my dress.

"Are, are you going to fuck me?" I asked bashfully.

"What do you want Clara? Do you want me to?"

"I think so."

"Hmm. I believe we both have more to figure out first."

Elias let me go, pulling my dress back down to its original position. He picked up his jacket and put it back on. It slid right over his arms and sat on his shoulders so slightly. He had his keys back in his hands, he was going to leave. I didn't want this to end, but I still needed answers.

"Think about what you want Ms. Engel. We will talk soon." He smiled and just like that he was walking towards a blacked-out Mercedes. He turned around, still walking backwards towards his car. "Soon, Ms. Engel!" 

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