Watchful Eye

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Hey again everyone. I can't stop writing this now, but I need your help! What are you guys feeling so far? Do you like it? Hate it? I want to know! Please, please, please leave a comment, it would really help me out! I am begging you ;). Stay dirty you dirty birds!


He wanted to watch me, with Daniel? This felt too good to be true. Not once have I ever wanted to be tied down to one man. No pun intended. I really do have too much to offer to be with one man. I think so at least. I love to watch too, it got me off so quickly. I let the slightest twinge of jealousy unravel me completely. 

"I'm not going to lie, I think I might need one more drink..." I sighed, unsure of how to start this.

"May I?" Daniel asked looking at Elias

Elias nodded at him and Daniel offered me his hand. 

"I don't have to tell you to be good, because you already know how to do that. Show me just how good you can be, knowing that I'm watching. And please, remember your safe word."

"I will, Sir." He kissed my forehead, affection I wasn't entirely used to coming from him.

I took Daniel's hand and we walked to the bar to get another glass of wine. In my head, I was looking at the hard liquor more than anything. I was kind of terrified of Daniel, in the best possible way. 

"You look nervous, Princess." Daniel asked, pulling me into him while we waited for the bartender to poor the wine. 

"I am. In a good way though. I've been thinking about this day for years now. I always planned on finding a time to schedule an appointment with you at your dungeon and surprise you in LA. Now, I don't need to."

"I'm glad you didn't. That would have made me angry I think."

"You? Angry? No way." I smirked at him and he swatted at my backside. 

"I am just going to pull that top half of your dress down a bit." Daniel took my glass of wine from me and set it on the bar while he pulled the thick straps down from my shoulders, freeing my arms. The spandex fabric rolled itself down me and then stretched over my breasts, finally giving just below them. 

"Wow. I knew you had great tits, but wow." He gawked.

The dress was so tight it lifted my breasts high with support from the fabric rolled up underneath them. I wanted him to touch me. My eyes met with Elias'. He was sitting in the same spot we left him, with his arms above his head, a perverted smirk on his face. Daniel handed me my wine glass and told me to walk back to where we were, but sit on the chair opposite of Elias. I sipped the wine while I strutted back to the corner of the room. The other 30 or so people there were too caught up in each other to look back at me. 

"Did I tell you to drink?" Daniel smirked the most beautiful half smile at me.

"No."  His hand met with my ass so quickly i almost choked on the air I was attempting to inhale.

"No what?"

"No Master." I replied while wincing through the hardest slap I have been given thus far.

"Sit on the floor in front of the chair. I'm going to sit above you. Position 2 Princess."

I acted accordingly, sitting down exactly how he had told me to over webcam, years ago. He took the wine glass from my hand and placed the base on my palm.

"Hold still and don't spill it."

"Yes Master."

Daniel sat down on the chair behind me, he combed his fingers through my hair, leaning down close enough to smell it. 

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