Night Eighteen.

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It was dark by the time I walked back into my cabin. The wind blew lightly between rows and toyed with my hair as I walked. Nighttime had settled, and all around me people were prepping for slumber. A few people lingered outside chatting, but most were in their cabins.

Jacob was sitting outside of mine when I returned. A small smile crossed my lips as I greeted my friend with a hug.

“Hey,” he said, resting his chin atop my head. “What happened?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Jacob was silent, choosing not to respond. He must’ve sensed that I had been crying as the hug lasted longer than anticipated. I was grateful for it. The comfort of another human being overrode the depression I had felt earlier. 

A few moments passed before we pulled away.

Jacob kept his hands firmly gripping my shoulders as he studied my face. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk?”

I nodded and pulled away. Slowly, I walked into the cabin with the younger boy following behind me. The cabin mimicked the other ones I had passed by; a few people were tucked in their bunks already, while others were clustered in groups whispering. My eyes scanned the room. On my right, Cassandra and Red sat together giggling. On my left, Eddie and Nat talked in hushed voices.

It seemed none realized my return. 

“Are you going to sleep?” Jacob asked.

I shrugged. “I guess so. I should at least try to get some sleep before tomorrow.”

Jacob watched as I crawled to my top bunk. Fate must’ve had a sick sense of humor to stick me on the same bunk as Nat. Jacob stood at the edge, studying me. I ran a hand through his soft hair with a sigh. 

My eyes moved to where Nat sat on Eddie’s bunk. He sat cross-legged with his back exposed to the cabin. Eddie leaned against the wall, eyes closed, nodding understandingly. I could hear Nat’s deep voice speak, but failed to make out any words. His body was slouched forward solemnly, and his head hung low. 

Jacob’s eyes followed mine. “He was pretty angry when he came back. Much worse than when he left.”

I nodded. I could imagine why. I was just as upset as he was, but my emotions came out in a different way.

“Wouldn’t talk to anyone for a while,” Jacob continued. His attention returned back to me, but he spoke the words distantly as if his mind was elsewhere. “Finally, Eddie managed to coax him into small talk about the…”

My eyes flitted to Jacob’s at the break. He mouthed the word ‘rebellion’, and I nodded in confirmation.

“Anyway, they’ve been talking for at least an hour now.” Jacob shrugged. “I tried to figure out what was going on, but Eddie told me to beat it. I figured I’d wait until you showed up.”

“I’m glad you did,” I said softly. “I needed a hug.”

He grinned proudly. “Anytime, Eva.”

“Thanks, Jacob.”

He must’ve known that everything wasn’t ok, but Jacob wasn’t an idiot. He pulled back from my bed with one last glimpse before saying, “I’m always here for you. Nat’s moody with you, but that’s no different from how it’s always been. He’ll get over whatever his problem is eventually and come around. Just give it some time.”

I nodded, but the words didn’t faze me. They floated in one ear and right out the other. Jacob bid me goodnight, which I returned half-heartedly. My eyes followed his retreating figure until he claimed his top bunk above the one Nat and Eddie currently occupied. I turned myself over to face the wall next to me, closing my eyes.

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