Night Nine.

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Cold metal tightly restrains my wrists. A bright light flicked on, blinding me. The air was cold against my bare skin. I struggled in vain against my bonds.

                I could hear movement, but my mind was in a dull state of mind. I couldn’t think right. There was something…off.

                A dull hum started up in my left ear.

                My eyes adjusted to the light slowly.

                The sound in my ear rose a pitch, and then another. Another, and another. It rose note by note, higher and higher.

                My mouth hung open as I sucked in air as quickly as I could. Why was I so exhausted?

                My body sent out an involuntary jerk when the pitch increased more. I cringed away from the now shrill noise.

                Sweat formed along my hair line. I could feel the cool lines trickle down my face and drip off onto the metal table I was strapped to. My breathing increased.

                The noise rose another note causing me to flinch away even more. My head started to jerk back and forth rapidly.

                The thought of fingernails scratching down a chalkboard entered my mind. It was the only comparison to the noise I could think of.

                It rose again.

                I gritted my teeth as my body began to twitch and shake. It took all my will to hold myself still and try to drown out the noise with my own thoughts.

                But with the next note, it seemed impossible.

                My face was twisted in pain, breathing coming in rasps now. The sweat that had once only decorated my face now seeped out of pores all along my body. I could feel it trickling along my skin as I jerked against the restraints. The metal braces pinched my skin, but I could feel myself losing control over my actions. I jerked my head from side to side to try to escape from the shrillness. My jaw hurt from clamping my mouth shut tightly.

                I could feel something slide over the top of my body. A weight pressed down on my chest, squeezing my ribcage tightly. It helped to lessen my jerks, but I had the feeling that wasn’t its only intention.

                The weight began to increase with the pitch of the noise.

                 What was going on?

                One more pitch and I let out a scream to match the shrill of the noise in my ear.

                “Stop! Stop! Make it stop!”

                I didn’t know who I was calling out to, but they weren’t stopping.

                “Please! I’m begging!”

                It hurt.

                It hurt so much.

                The noise forced me to lose control over all functions of my body. The pressure was preventing me from breathing correctly.            

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