Telling the Parents

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Leah and Grace were doing great. They had been together for almost a year and went back to Grace's parents house for a little bit of summer. The Helbigs were happy to see her again. By that time, Grace had dyed her hair blonde, she has always hated her brown hair. The blonde suited her and looked very pretty, Leah thought. Everyone in college knew that they were dating and totally accepted them. They got no hate which was fantastic. The couple have had their share of fights, in fact, they broke up in April for a day but then Grace went over to Leah's dorm and immediately started crying and so did Leah. So they got back together and agreed to never get that bad again. The fight was over something stupid anyway. Grace had accused Leah of flirting with someone else and that was that. Leah has learned that Grace is a very jealous type. For example, if they're at a party and Leah is talking to another girl and they seem to be having a good time, Grace will walk over and throw an arm around Leah and kiss her. Grace doesn't really realize she does it, she just gets so mad and feels the need to tell people that Leah is hers, and only hers. Leah finds it cute, actually.

It was two weeks into their stay at the Helbigs household and Grace and Leah were cuddling in her bedroom.

"Hey, I think it's time to tell your parents." Grace says, playing with Leah's hair.

"Um what?" Leah sits up.

"You've had to lie to them so many times, Leah. You told them you were staying with your 'boyfriend' for the summer! And when they asked his name and when they get to meet him, you said 'his name is Josh and he's very shy so I don't know when you'll meet him' like really? Can't you just tell them?" Grace asks.

"Grace, you don't know what you're asking. You don't understand." Leah says, getting annoyed.

"Yes I do! I'm tired of lying and having to pretend I'm ok with this. Cause I'm not ok with it. At all." Grace raises her voice a bit.

"I understand that but Grace, I don't know what they'll do! It's risking our relationship and I don't want to do that. I love you Grace and that's all there is to it. I don't want to lose you." Leah stands up and walks toward the door. Grace grabs her wrist and spins her around before she can turn the knob.

"I love you too. But I'm not going anywhere, you're not gonna lose me. I just want you to be truthful with your parents. I know it's a big step, especially in your case, but if we want to continue this relationship, I really think you should tell them." Grace says softly.

"I'm just scared." Leah frowns.

"I know honey but I can't do this anymore. If you can't tell them, then...I can't be with you anymore." Grace whispers.

"I know. I guess I should fly back home for a little while, yeah?" Leah asks.

"Yeah. I think that's a good idea. I would come with you but I don't want to cause more trouble." Grace says.

"Yeah, we don't want that." Leah smiles slightly and feels tears run down her cheek.

They hear a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Grace says.

Grace's mother walks through the door.

"I heard everything ok?" She asks.

Leah turns around and half smiles.

"Yeah. Everything's fine, Mom." Grace says.

Ms Helbig frowns when she sees Leah crying but let's it go.

"Well ok then." She starts to shut the door.

"Wait Mom? Leah is going to go home to visit her family for a little while ok?" Grace says.

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