The Party

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After Grace meets a few more people, music starts and everyone goes crazy. Grace has had a few drinks already but she wasn't drunk yet. Leah was a way more tipsy than Grace but that was understandable because Grace has never drank before.

"Grace! Come dance with me, pretty lady!" Leah yells into Grace's ears and pulls Grace by her arms to where everyone is dancing. Grace has always loved to dance but she has never danced in front of anyone before, let alone with someone before.

"Leah, I don't dance." Grace shouts over the music.

"Oh come on!!! Let loose a little bit!" Leah yells.

Grace just stands there shyly, watching everyone around her dance.

Leah sighs.

"Come on. Let me show you!"

Leah begins to move to the beat perfectly. Damn, is she a dancer? Because she's amazing, Grace thought. Grace shakes her head no and starts to walk away. Leah grabs her wrist and twists her back around.

"Just dance with me the way you've danced with one of your girlfriends!" Leah laughs. Grace just walks away back to a table and starts to drink another beer. Leah frowns and runs over to Grace. Leah pats Grace's knee and kneels down to talk in her ear so that Grace can hear her.

"Come here." Leah says, taking Grace's hand and leading her away from the party. Grace could tell by Leah's look that she wanted to talk to her about something serious. Grace didn't want to have a serious talk though. She's awkward when it comes to that. Leah sits down on a bench across the street and pats the spot next to her, indicating that Grace should sit with her. Grace hesitates but then sits, making sure to scoot as far away from Leah as possible, she's claustrophobic and tries to always keep her distance from people. They sit in silence for a minute until Leah breaks it.

"Grace? What's wrong? Why don't you just let loose a bit?" Leah asks.

"I-I'm shy." Grace responds. That really is the reason, she's not lying.

"Don't you like to dance? Everyone loves to dance!" Leah nudges Grace's shoulder.

"I'm not very good at it I guess." Grace says.

"It doesn't matter if you're not good! No one cares! It's just having fun. You've never danced with someone before? A girlfriend perhaps?" Leah winks.

Grace laughs because Leah's kidding right? Does she really believe that she's had a girlfriend before?

"Me? Have a girlfriend? Yeah right!" Grace laughs.

"Shut up! You've never had a girlfriend?! What about a boyfriend?" Leah asks.

Grace shakes her head and laughs again.

Leah gets serious all of the sudden.

"Why not, Grace? Why haven't you had a girlfriend before?"

"Um, I don't really talk to anyone and besides, all the cute girls are usually taken." Grace laughs.

Leah laughs too.

"Yeah, that's pretty much the same for me. Except I talk, it still doesn't work." Leah sighs.

Grace practically chokes.

"Uh excuse me, what?" She manages.

"Oh, yeah, I failed to tell you that I, too, am a lesbian." Leah slurs.

Leah? A lesbian? No. She's just drunk.

"Oh...then why we're you freaking out about having a 'lesbian friend' before." Grace asks.

"Mmmm because I didn't want other people to know. I haven't come out yet." Leah says.

Grace still doesn't believe it.

"Ok Leah, let's get you home, that alcohol is getting to your brain I think." Grace stands up.

"Grace come here, lemme tell you a secret." Leah says, as she's pulling Grace towards her to whisper in her ear.

Grace tries to resist it but Leah is strong.

"I think you're pretty." Leah whispers.

Grace starts laughing.

"Oh my gosh you're really drunk, aren't you?" Grace laughs.

"No, no. I'll prove it to you. Watch this." Leah says.

Leah's pulls Grace's head down towards her own.

Grace freezes, she doesn't know what's happening.

Before she knows it, Leah's lips crash onto hers with a great amount of force.

Grace freezes and doesn't kiss back for awhile. Eventually she kisses her back.

Well this is different, Grace thought.

She realizes what's happening and pulls herself away from Leah.

"I'm taking you back to your dorm, come on." Grace says.

"Ok, Gracie! Can I call you Gracie?" Leah stumbles to her feet.

And that's how Grace got that nickname. Every time someone calls her that, it takes her back to that memory at the party. The memory that will stick with her forever.

Author's note: what do ya think? ;)

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