A Stolen Heart

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Grace had tried to avoid Hannah as much as possible. And that meant avoiding Mamrie too, since Mamrie would ask what was up with her and Grace didn't want confrontation. She hated not being able to see her best friends as much as she used to but she knew she had to do the right thing. She refused to let herself fall in love with Hannah, it just can't happen. The avoidance doesn't go unnoticed by Hannah or Mamrie. Mamrie decided to let it slide because she knows that if Grace wanted to tell them, she would. She wanted to give Grace some time to calm herself down with whatever was going on with her. Hannah, on the other hand, was not going to let it slide. She needed answers, Grace is her best friend and she needs to know why she's being avoided and why Grace isn't acting like herself. Did I do something to her to make her upset? Hannah thought to herself. She dismissed the idea when she couldn't think of anything that she had done. Except she did do something...little to her knowledge, she stole Grace's heart.

Hannah knows that if she calls Grace to see if she can come over, Grace will make up an excuse. So, she decides to just go without permission. She used to do that all the time, she would just show up at Grace's house and just hang out with Grace and Grace didn't mind at all, she loved Hannah's company. But now, things are different and Hannah doesn't know if Grace will even be home and even if she is, she might still make up an excuse. Hannah is not going to take no for an answer. She won't. She hopes that Grace won't get mad at her for confronting her but, it needs to be done in order for this bullshit to be over and done with. She just wants the old Grace back.

Hannah is able to walk to Grace's since their houses are not too far away from each other. She starts walking up the pathway to Grace's house when she sees the doorknob move and open. Hannah sees a man walk out of the house after he kisses Grace and gets into his car. Grace sees Hannah and she frowns.

"Of course this is happening." Grace mumbles to herself.

"Hey, Han! What's up?" Grace says, trying to act normal.

Hannah smiles and walks through the doorway, inviting herself in. She has a habit of doing that because why wouldn't she be welcomed inside of her best friends house?

"Can we talk?" Hannah asks.

Grace knows where this is going and she needs to get away from this as soon as possible. She can't do this. Not right now.

"Uh, I was just about to go out actually so..." Grace tries.

"Oh. Where?" Hannah asks.

"I have to run some errands." Grace lies.

"Oh, well I'll go with you!" Hannah jumps up from the couch.

"No, no. It's really ok. Really." Grace says.

"Well I don't have anything to do so why not?" Hannah asks.

Grace knows she's not gonna get away with this so she just asks to obvious question.

"Hannah, not that I'm not glad to see you or anything, but why are you here? What do you want to talk about?" Grace asks.

"Grace, I need you to answer this honestly and I want you to think about it a little bit before you answer, okay?" Hannah asks.

Grace nods but she doesn't mean it.

"Are you okay? You've been acting a bit weird for the past year and I want to know why." Hannah says.

No, I'm not. Grace thinks.

"I'm fine." Grace says while waving her hand in dismissal.

Hannah just gives her a look.

"Grace, I'm not stupid. You haven't been yourself for year. Why?" Hannah asks.

Grace jumps up from the couch and starts to get angry.

"What do you mean 'I haven't been myself'? This is me! This is who I am. What's wrong with that? What am I doing that you don't like, because hmmm 'one person doesn't like me so lemme change for them'? No, Hannah! I'm not going to change for anyone. Accept me for me or leave!" Grace says in a loud tone.

Hannah jumps up with her hand out in front in defense.

"Whoa, whoa. I just wanted to know what was wrong. I thought something was wrong because, I don't know, you changed so suddenly. I just wanted to check." Hannah says.

"How have I changed?" Grace says, even though she already knows the answer to that question.

"Hmmm well for starters you smoke now, what the fuck is up with that? You drink a lot more than you used to, in fact, this house wreaks of alcohol. You go out by yourself and don't even invite Mamrie or I. And most of all, you completely shut us out, Grace! You avoid us now and I don't understand it." Hannah says. She gets more angry after she said all of that cause she's now realizing how much it hurts her.

"Hannah, I don't need someone here pointing out all my flaws! So what, I smoke? So what, I drink? How the fuck does that effect you?! And why can't I just have fun by myself? I want to meet new people and just hang out with them, alone. What's wrong with that? Nothing. There's nothing wrong with that!" Grace shouts.

"It effects me because I care about you! I don't wanna watch you slowly kill yourself! I just want to help you, Grace! And meeting new people if great Grace, honest. But when you bring them home after you met them an hour before, and do, God knows what in here, that's not good!" Hannah says.

"Are you referring to Sean? The guy that just walked out of here?! How do you know that I just met him? Maybe I'm dating him! You don't know!" Grace yells.

"And that's the problem, Grace. I don't know." Hannah says, while closing the door behind her.

The sad thing is, Hannah was right about Sean, they had only just met last night.

Grace should be happy that Hannah just walked out on her right? It's for the best, this way, she won't have to deal with looking at Hannah and just wanting to kiss the shit out of that woman. Everything can be normal now. But the thing is, she's not happy about it, she wants to be wrapped up in someone's arms, no not just anyone's arms, Hannah's. She wants Hannah so badly but tells herself that she can't have her, she can't put Hannah through that pain. Grace waits 5 minutes until she goes out to smoke a cigarette. As she blows out the warm gray cloud, she sighs of relief.

Author's note: I hope you understand and enjoy this so far! Keep commenting, it makes me smile :) thanks!

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