Movie Night

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Grace remembers being on cloud nine that night. What she didn't know then, was that this was one of the biggest mistakes of her life. She knows that now.

Grace decides to just wear leggings and a t-shirt to Leah's dorm because it's not like they were going out anywhere. Although, she does do her make up. She feels she needs to impress Leah. She wants to look good for her, well, at least her face. She decides to put her hair up in a messy bun. It's sloppy but it looks cute. Before she leaves, she grabs a few movies including: Bridesmaids, The Blind Side, Paranormal Activity and Insidious. Grace loves scary movies. She loves the thrill of it and not knowing what's going to happen next. But she's bringing other movies just in case Leah (and possibly her friends) don't like horror movies. She knocks on the door of room 703 and waits. Grace is a little early but she doesn't think Leah will mind.

"Yeah, one minute!" Leah yells.

A few seconds later, her door swings open and Leah welcomes Grace in. Grace notices two beds but she doesn't see another girl in there that would occupy the bed.

"Where's your roommate?" Grace asks.

"Oh, Kelsey, she parties, a lot." Leah giggles.

Grace understands and nods.

"Sorry for coming early, I got bored." Grace laughs a little.

"Dude it's totally fine, I was bored too." Leah smiles.

"So how many people are coming tonight?" Grace asks.

"What do you mean?" Leah asks, confused.

"Like who else is coming over?" Grace asks, again.

Leah laughs a bit and nudges Grace's shoulder.

"Oh honey, it's just me and you, I'm afraid." Leah laughs.

"Oh, ok cool." Grace smiles.

Yeah. It is cool. Grace is okay with this. Frankly, she's more than okay with this. She's kinda glad that she gets to just spend time with Leah alone. It's an opportunity to get to know each other better.

Leah notices the movies in Grace's hands.

She points at them and says "oooh gimme!" a little too excitedly.

Grace thinks she sounds like a five year old but finds it incredibly adorable.

Grace giggles a little and gives her the four movies.

Leah looks through them.

"Oh, so you're that type, huh?" Leah asks.

She plops onto her bed.

Grace gives her a confused look.

Leah complies.

"You love scary movies but you didn't want to force it on me so you brought other movies too, right?" Leah asks.

Right. She was so right.

" did yo-" Grace starts.

"Because I do the same thing. I love scary movies but I hate them at the same time. I get so extremely scared but I love it in the end." Leah smirks.

Grace gives a simple ok even though she's really impressed with Leah's ability to know Grace that well when they just met the day before.

"So let's Insidious this bitch!" Leah's says before putting the movie into the DVD player.

Grace laughs.

"Have you ever seen it?" Grace asks.

"Nope. Have you?" Leah asks.

Grace shakes her head because no, she hasn't. She bought the movie awhile ago and lost it in her closet until she was packing for college, then she came across it and brought it to college to watch. Leah starts to make a little bed on the cold floor. She puts blankets down first and then pillows that are leaning up against her bed. She sits up against the bed and pats the seat next to her. Grace complies and sits with her. She gets up to get more blankets so they can curl up in them and cover their eyes if they need to. In the beginning of the movie, Leah and Grace had a bit of a distance from each other but when the first scary scene came, Leah thought she'd make her move. She jumped and screamed a bit, then she scooted over towards Grace. Leah covered her eyes and groaned. Grace laughed a bit and put her arm around the taller girl. Leah uncovered her eyes and smiled. Grace didn't know what she was doing, her body just automatically put her arm around Leah. Is that what friends do? Oh well, Leah didn't seem to mind. Grace didn't take her eyes off the movie, as much as she wanted to. Insidious is really scary, maybe even too scary for Grace but she doesn't want to seem scared in front of Leah. She feels Leah scoot down so that she's laying down and wrap her arms around Grace's waist and rest her head on Grace's chest.

Grace can't tell if Leah is flirting with her or not. Yup, here come the butterflies in her stomach. What the fuck are these butterflies? Grace thought. She's heard people talk about how sometimes people get butterflies when they like someone but Grace doesn't like Leah like that, does she? Hmmm. She keeps thinking about it. Hmm maybe she does.

"Gracie? Are you okay?" Leah interrupts Grace's thoughts.

Leah looking straight into her eyes. She looks truly concerned about Grace.

"Hmm? Yeah, what?" Grace asks.

Leah laughs a little and then goes back to her position.

"I asked you to tell me about yourself." Leah said.

"Um well I don't know. I have two brothers and I'm the middle child. Uh, I like scary movies..." Grace doesn't know what else to include.

Leah laughs.

"That's nice but how about you tell me what your last name is? Your middle name? Favorite color? Dream job? Etc." Leah suggests.

She sits up and wait for Grace to answer.

"My last name is Helbig, my middle name is Anne, my favorite color is blue and I want to be a writer for movies maybe." Grace says.

"Hmm Grace Anne Helbig...that's pretty. Have you ever wanted to be an actress maybe?" Leah asks.

"I thought about it but I'm pretty shy and not very good at acting." Grace says.

"Have you ever considered modeling?" Leah asks.

Grace starts laughing.

"You're fucking with me aren't you? You don't actually believe that I could be a model, do you? Because no way could I, Grace Helbig, be a model." Grace laughs.

"Well why not?" Leah asks.

Leah's face is straight. She's definitely not kidding, Grace is absolutely stunning.

"Um, you must be blind because no." Grace laughs again.

"Well, you're tall, tan, thin and beautiful. So that's basically the requirements." Leah says.

"Well thanks but I don't think people would be interested in me." Grace says.

Leah takes this moment to make her next move.

"I am."

Grace's eyes go wide and she blushes and gives Leah a simple "oh." Leah thought it was adorable when Grace went all shy. She loves it.

"Oh." Leah copies Grace. Grace giggles a little and looks up and stares right into Leah's eyes. Leah thinks Grace is gonna make a move on her but she doesn't, she just stares.

"Ok, well I can't tell what you're thinking so can I show you what I'm thinking?" Leah asks.

Grace nods and Leah starts to lean in. Leah stops so that their lips are about to touch, but don't. Grace wants Leah to kiss her. Why isn't she? Grace thought. It's driving her crazy and Leah can probably tell because she smiles. Grace can't take it any longer. She aggressively pushes her lips onto Leah's.

At the time Grace felt like she was on cloud nine but she now knows that it was the worst mistake she's ever made.

Author's note: thanks for the feedback, much more is appreciated! I'm glad you like it!

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