chapter 22

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I sighed looking back at Sora ,who was peacefuly sleeping on the bed. I stood up and went to close the window since it was abit chilly but noticed something move in the corner of my eye, I faced the corner and walked towards it slowly

"Ahh!!" I yelled as something jumped on me , I opened my right eye and saw a cat I sighed in relief

"What are you doin' in the infirmary little uhm" I lifted the cat abit "girl"

She just meowed at me ,I smiled and pet her head as she purred under my touch. I got up and exited the infirmary but collided with a nurse

"My apologies,your majesty" she bowed

"It's alright" I told her as she nodded and entered the infirmary. I started walking to the gardens to set the kitty free.

I opened the door and saw Sebastian "Sebastian? Is this one of your cats?" I asked since he was swarmed by alot of cats of different shades

"Why yes your majesty I'm sorry if she caused any trouble" he bowed and took the cat

"Not really she just suprised me that's all" I smiled but noticed a shadow in the forest again I also noticed that the shadow had brown hair?

"Is there something bothering you, your highness?" Sebastian asked I shook my head

"Well I better check on Twila and Luna" I climbed up the stairs and went to the nursery

I saw them asleep but noticed that they had weird mark on their hands (right for Twila and left for Luna) and noticed that it was shaped into a moon with stars.

The door opened behind me ,I turned around and saw Rosalie with bottles of milk in her hands but I noticed that the color was abit off

"Ohh your majesty I just came to feed their highnesses" she said bowing

"It's alright but I'll feed them for now" I told her she nodded hesitantly and gave me the bottles,then left

I set the bottles aside and called for Sebastian to get me new bottles

"Thank you ,Sebastian" and with that he left using the door for once.

I walked over to the cribs and gave them their bottles, I smiled as I watched them drink it all. When they finished I burped them and put them down on the mat as they played with the blocks and other toys.

I went to the bottles that Rosalie gave me and dumped them on a plant and left the empty bottles there for now. I turned around and saw Gray playing with the girls.

"Hey your finished early today?" I asked since he usually finishes all his paperwork, meetings and other king stuff late in the afternoon.

"Well I figured I needed a bit of rest plus I never get to see my little princesses often" he smiled as Twila hugged her sis.

I know it's short but I'm tired but I still wanted to update since it's been weeks even a month since I last updated. This chapter is only for family time but the contents still relate to the storyline.

Well hope you enjoyed


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