Chapter 21

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*knock* *knock*

"Your highness, your sister has been found infront of the palace gates" a guard said as he knocked on the door trying to catch the attention of two people who are currently asleep from the activities last night.

After awhile

Lucy's pov
I woke up and saw Gray's chest, I blushed remembering the events last night. I got up and went to take a shower to ease the pain from my waist down.

I went out and changed into a simple pink dress and my white flats. I walked out of the room and saw a guard walking towards me, he bowed

"Your majesty, your sister Queen Sora has been found infront of the palace gates" he said

"Where is she?" I asked he pointed to the infirmary , bowed again then left

I rushed to the infirmary and saw Sora lying limp,pale, and weak on the bed. I rushed to her side and cupped her face full of brusies and scratches, her arm ,leg and torso was bandaged up with blood sipping through.

"What happened?" I asked no one as I sighed and kissed her cheek to check on the twins

I got to their room and saw a maid I have never seen before "are you new?" I asked ,she turned to me

"Yes ,your majesty they just hired me yesterday" she said bowing 'why wasn't I informed they were hiring new maids?' I thought but dismissed it

I went to the twins and started showering them with love,kisses and hugs as they giggle and squeal

"Au-aun Sowa?" Twila mumbled ,I smiled and pat her head

"Aunt Sora is hurt so she is in the infirmary" I smiled down at her sadly she started mumbling things

I put them down and looked outside at the forest ,I remember Sora had a scent of multiple wolves from neither of our packs or our friend's ,I heard something outside so I went to the window and saw a shadow running deeper into the forest but I didn't see anything other then the shadow of this person so I closed the window,locked it and kissed my babies as I exited the room locking the door ofcourse.

I went back to the infirmary and saw the same maid with something in her hand as she exited the infirmary, she looked suspicious ,after she turned a corner I rushed to the door of the infirmary and saw Sora and her heart monitor thingy was flat

"Doctor!!!" I yelled and they entered to revive Sora

After awhile

Once they knew Sora was stable they left to treat other patients but one nurse approached me

"From the results of the tests we just did ,a substance named verapamil which can temporarily stop the heart was found in her majesty's blood" she said as she read her chart ,I nodded as she bowed and left

I sighed ,sitting down but remembered the new maid that left the infirmary earlier ,I got up and left the room but locked the door with a lock that only a few people knew the passcode to.

I went around the castle looking for the maid but only found Sebastian the head butler

"Sebastian have you seen the new maid?" He smiled looking at me

"Yes ,your highness she is in the throne room fixing the -"

"Thanks bye" as I ran to the throne room and found her fixing the curtains and she was installing something?

"Excuse me but I didn't get your name earlier" I said smiling as I approached her ,she turned around smiling at me

"Oh ,my name is Rosaly, your highness" she said bowing ,I smiled and left her to finish working or whatever she was doing

"You have to tell Gray" my wolf said in my head
"We don't have alot of evidence yet" I told her as I walked back to the infirmary to check on Sora and to think of more ways to get more information on Rosaly.

I sat back down on the chair next to Sora's bed to think "Sebastian" after the name left my mouth, a breeze hut my face and the said person appeared next to me

"Yes ,your majesty?"

"I need you to get me Rosaly's file" after maybe 2 seconds ,he came back holding the file

"Your dismissed" he bowed and left, using the door for the first time

I opened her file and read her information

Name: Rosaly Marie
Age: 25
Gender: Female

Relatives: none

She used to be an omega at the Hwang Pack in China ,but moved to (where ever they are) for a change of scenery. She used to have a husband but he died in an accident.

"That's it?" I said to myself "Sebastian"

And like earlier he came in a breeze "get me more information on Rosaly" he nodded and took the file as he bowed and vanished but what I didn't know was that someone was watching me the whole time with their electric blue eyes.

Hello my readers, I'm back with this new chapter and I know you all are annoyed (or at least I assume your annoyed) about me changing my mate but I did it just for this chapter, you'll know who my new mate is in the next chapter so stay tuned


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