My Friend with Benefits Stole My Heart - Chapter 16

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I flinched when I felt fingertips brush against my skin.

''It's alright. I've got you,''Char cooed and scooped me up in his arms.

I recoiled into his chest where his warmth was welcomed, because a numbing cold was starting to set in. Charlie opened the car door and gently placed me in the seat. I was a whimpering mess. The engine roared to life and we sped off. My tears blurred my vision to shit so I couldn't see where we were going.

Minutes later we came to a stop and I dared to speak.

''Where are we?''I quizzed as I rubbed my eyes.

He didn't answer me. Instead, he got out, open my door for me and before I could even consider taking a step he lifted me up bridal style. With my chest buried in his chest, I spoke muffled words of appreciation.

Without looking I felt him sit, placing me in his lap. After minutes, that felt like hours, of Charmander petting my hair he broke the silence.

''Are you okay? Well, obviously you can't be, but what I'm asking is....are you better than before. Not that I'm pressuring you or anything! It's know...I hate what he did to you.... because if he thinks that love, then his views are warped beyond repair and...and-,''Charlie broke off in a chuckle and the corners of my lips began to ascend.

I kissed him and in that moment I knew. Our kiss wasn't wanton, but chaste. It was sweet and tentative. The way our lips caressed each other's was dizzying. With their every move, my lips silently tried to coax him into feeling my bone deep admiration and love. I wanted him to know how deep it ran and I hoped it wasn't one sided. My unrequited love for Axel had deteriorated into nothing.

''Shut up, you big goof,''I joked. Charlie visibly coloured and I squealed in delight.

''I take it you're feeling better?''

''Yeah,''I said, then gulped.

I was still a little shaken up about the previous happenings, but as always sadness would turn to anger and I'd spit in Axel's face if had the chance. If he was fifty miles away, that is.

''Look around, Lu. Feel any déjà vu?''

I snorted. ''First off that rhymed and secondly, as a matter of fact, yes.'' We sat under my least favourite tree, who I was now considering naming Fernando.

I couldn't place my finger on it ,but it held some unknown significance to Charlie.

''This is where we first met.''

''If you don't count the actual fist time,''I retorted.

''Do you want it to count?''


''Remember how our conversation went?''

''How could I forget?'' Nostalgia took over as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Mr. Unknown!? I mean sir, um ma'am. No! Hi.'' Charlie tried poorly to imitate me.

''So I see you have a crush on me, huh?'' I said as smug as I could without laughing.

''Nope, no, nush, nuh," Looking as flustered as I did that very day.

''You forgot the 'nah','' I stated courtly, clinging to what was left my dignity. I sighed with content. I remember how jaunty we were and nothing felt heavy as it should have felt.

''You know my offer for the arcade still stands.''

''As long as food is there count me in.''


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