My Friend with Benefits Stole My Heart - Chapter 4

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Kate's P.O.V

"Why am I at the Guidance Counsellor?" I demanded of my teacher but she was already walking down the corridor.

  My homeroom teacher was being unreasonable. I was just slightly shivering, that's all! Was I telling the truth or trying to appease my weak self?

Lightly, I knocked on the door and was told to come in.

The room was nicely furnished with cream colored walls, tan furniture and a mahogany desk in the centre. An elderly woman sat passively adoring a picture in her scrawny hands.

"I see your busy now. I can come back later."

I almost bolted out the door when she placed the picture down that was shadowing her eyes. Her eyes held mine and I was frozen.

"Come. Sit down and get relaxed."

I sat stiffly on a love seat and nibbled my lower lip.

She left her desk to sit beside me and she patted my back just like my mother would. Her eyes reminded me of the reflection of the sun that bounces off the sea. It gave me a warm feeling. Just like the glint, her eyes didn't hold judgment and before I could stop myself I began to unravel and spew my guts to her. My eyes must have glazed over as I began to relive the nightmare.

Lucy was knocked straight into the pool.

"Ahhh! Lu!"

  She began struggling and I knew it wasn't a good sign. First off... Wait there's no time for this. Her body was sinking farther and farther into the depths of the pool.

All 10ft. of it!

Coach was no where in sight. Great, the almighty Papa Bear isn't here nor Axel. Both Amy and I shared looks and dived in unison. We each grabbed an arm and pulled her to the surface to perform CPR. While someone called the ambulance we each took turns but nothing was altered. My breath hitched. Her limp arms felt cold in mine as I hugged her.

She can't die.

She wouldn't die.

A wail began nearing the scene and the ambulance came shortly after. I watched in horror as the paramedics placed her on the gurney. My blood ran cold knowing I couldn't do anything for my beloved friend. I approached Amy who was siting in a corner with her arms forming a protective shield around her. As I came closer she timidly looked up pass her long black lashed. Amy's eyes began to water. My heart felt heavy as I sat and held her closely.

Please let Lu be ok.


Lucy's P.O.V 

It hurts. What? Everything.

  I felt my feeble body tremble under soft plush quilts stacked heavily on top of me. My throat burned earning a slight groan from my chapped lips and my eyelids felt heavy as bricks.

What happened?

 The world around me was so desolated and to make matters worse my head began to throb forcefully to an irritating rhythm. Ugh! It was like someone had a huge boombox latched to my ears. I cried out hoping someone would hear my desperate wails.


I was rewarded with a pained cough. The room decided it would be fun to gang up on Little Red Riding Hood and began to toss and turn leaving me heavily panting, and dizzy.

Yet again, what happened?

I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness.... again.

Axel's P.O.V

I'm distraught as hell.

Lu, could be dead for all I know and I can't do anything. Secretly, I promised myself I'd take care of her and look what occurred, a near death experience! I felt the tingling feeling behind my eyes and I knew I was about to cry.

I looked down at Lu and felt a strange yet comforting feeling which had me giddy. I placed my larger hand over her's and kiss her forehead. Please wake up.

"Get better soon."

"A-a-xel?" a weak voice said beneath me.

"Lu?!' I looked down in surprise. That was not a coincidence I am god and no one can dispute that.


It's not the time for jokes. Lucy's hand held mine tighter now that she's awake and she grew serious.

"Axel can you do me a favour?"

I searched her eyes with sorrow.


"Can you take these freaking sheets off me?"she said softly chuckling.

"Don't scare me like that," I sighed in relief and took them off, her pale skin being revealed in the process.

"I'll go get the nurse."

"Wait, no, don't leave. I want to talk for a while longer."

 I obliged and we talked for the next short 20 minutes before the nurse came to check up on her ruining our special time.

 Now, I'm going to put this as politely as possible.

The nurse is a huge turkey. 

Her beady eyes were unsettling as she peered pass her glasses at the thick wooden clipboard she held in her plump hands. She was very much healthy if you called having the shape of a circle fit.

"Ah, Misss Hemsdale nice to see you made it," the nurse nonchalantly said.

My jaw nearly dropped. She honestly shouldn't be a nurse. She'd most likely make her patients become depressed or commit suicide. Either way they'd get away from her.

"We have to go through the procedures and blah. What year is it?"

"The year before our Lord," she deadpanned.

"Please be serious ma'am."

"Ok it's 2013, My names Lucy, I have no siblings, My dad is gone to Africa or dead some shit like that. Do I get extra credit for answering extra questions? Do you need my number as well?"

She's always cheeky when she almost dies... Oops. No need to think of those types of things...

The nurse scurried out the room while mumbling a string of curse words under her breath. Something about 'obscene behaviour in girls now-a-days'.

Lucy visibly relaxed and I sat beside her careful not to hurt my precious gem. She flinched. I felt pain surge through my veins searing them but I said nothing and stayed silent. I'll give her the space she needs. She was obviously thinking. The gears in her head must have been painfully working because she twitched in pain and retracted herself even farther into the hospital bed.

She began to sputter nonsense and I knew she was going into shock.

Not good.

The Little Red Riding Hood references were all  coincidental I swear.

Stay beautiful


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