My Friend with Benefits Stole My Heart - Chapter 12

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A hand gently tapping my shoulder woke me up, but I rolled over not wanting the sunlight to penetrate my eyes and cause premature blindness. And no I am not thinking over the top.

''Five minutes, mom!''

''No offence Lu, but I am not that old!''


I'm pretty sure mom doesn't have that much testosterone to rattle my bones to their marrow. My head flew up with a start. Although the sunlight burnt my corneas clean off I searched for my abductor. A look to my right and all the memories from yesterday came flooding in a mad rush.

Daniel, Stephanie, Charlie and...Axel. The crying myself to sleep the night before. I had really hoped the last bit had been a horrible nightmare that I would wake up with no memory of. Apparently not everything you wish for has to come true.

''Hey, no tears on my watch,''said Charlie as he swept a tear I didn't know my body had expelled.



''I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore. I have no idea where I'm going, I have my love priorities which are so damn mixed up I can't even tell where they start or end and I just can't.''

I collapsed on Charlie's broad chest with an exasperated sigh. Why did he have to be his amazing self? Tall, cute, considerate, mysterious and just fun to be around.

''I know we haven't discussed colleges, but I always hoped you'd go to college with me and we could be art majors.''

I didn't have to peer into his deep brown eyes to know he was honestly speaking his mind. The thought of going to college with Charlie made me happy, anxious and something else I couldn't describe.

''Yeah that would be awesome to do.''

If only my emotions would simmer down and not allow me to mess our friendship. Yep, if only.

''Your love life is not something I think you would enjoy sharing with me, but if you're willing I'll try my best to help.'' Charlie's voice was flat, devoid of the usual happy go lucky attitude I had grown accustomed to.

My brain began to hurt as I overanalized the situation. 

''Just make your move already!'' my logic practically shouted.

''NO! Don't lose him because you made things awkward!'' my heart fought back my practical thinking.

Calm down and breathe....In...Out. Good. THAT WASN'T ANY HELP!  I STILL HAVEN'T THE SLIGHTEST CLUE!! That's it. No more guessing or waiting to be told.

''I think... I really do think... I may..sorta, possibly, maybe like....,'' I said, but when I saw Charmander's expression I discarded the first statement,''okay''

There. It was out in the open and I left myself vulnerable to heartbreak. A long minuted passed and I was about to take off when I a fat teardrop dampened my hair. I turned to see his face and his eyes were puffy and his face tear-streaked.

''Why are you crying? It breaks my heart to see you like this.''

''There's a but. I know there is.''

Axel. He still held piece of my heart and I really wanted to see where it could go. I really have tangible feelings for Charlie, but also for Axel. Axel and I have a history while Charlie and I are building one. Yet Axel seemed to be very infatuated with the girl I saw last night....

It was now my turn to wipe away his tears and that I did. We held each other closely. The school day would start within 2 hours, leaving us ample time to cry, sniffled, cuddle and be filled with sorrow.

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