My Friend with benefits Stole My Heart - Chapter 11

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As our laughter died down, we parted and Daniel relaxed against a ladder conveniently placed behind him.


''My offer still stands,'' said Daniel.

''And my decline is still as thick as a brick wall.''

''With that game plan out the window.... What's up?''

I chocked on my insult that was gurgling in the back of my throat.

''After countless incidents of you hitting on me, you ask that question?''

''What could I have asked you? How's your virginity? We both know you don't have it.''

''Ah, point taken. W- Hey! My virginity is my business.''

But it was true. We both knew who had taken it. Daniel had done the deed and I had hoped to suppress that memory for a long time. I could still remember the flower petals that led a trail from the his house's doorsteps to his spacious room. How the air smelled of dinner awaiting and the stillness of the atmosphere, indicating no one was home.

Those were good times.

''What happened?''I had to ask. 


''What happened? You know between us. Why all the secrets and the inevitable break up even though the cheating smacked me like a gust of freezing wind squarely in the face?''

''You should know by know most guys tend to be dogs. I'm no exception. I wanted to have my cake and eat it too, and I'll pay the consequences by not having a spectacular, annoying, beautiful and amusing girl like you to grow old with and fight over the last tea bag.''

I hadn't know such information and I wanted to squeal like a school girl. We really did have something special, but apparently not special enough to overcome his greedy desires.

''You still have those charms, I see,'' I chuckled.

''Lucy I'm serious. Those two guys are fighting for a prize.''

His eyes dazzled but not in a sexual harassment kind of way but one looking at a prized jewel.

''Does everyone know?''

''Everyone knew by the second day of your relationship with..... Charlie, I believe, and have you seen Axel lately? He's grumpier than Stephanie on her period and trust me, I've been through hell and back with that crazy bitch.''

''Then why not end it?''

I was going to ask Axel but decided against it.

''I think of it as punishment for the awful heartbreak I must have caused you.''

''As caring as that may be, I am not that evil. End it as soon as her bottle blonde hair bounces around the corner. Got it?''

''Sir yes sir! I mean ma'am.''

Daniel coughed to hide his chortle and I punched his arm to tell him I had seen pass his disguise. We spent the next session or so up until lunch - mama gots to eat- caught up in catching up with each other. We truly had become friends and we discreetly left the closet making sure no one saw.

Of course we parted ways. We had agreed he would start the man hunt for his bitch of a girlfriend. Haha, she wouldn't be for long. I sat my regular table and took a bite of my apple. Yum.

''You little fucking bitch, I swear when I get my hands on you you're going to wish you had never been born!''

I swung around and Stephanie was scrambling through the cafeteria.

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