My Friend with Benefits Stole My Heart - Chapter 15

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My eyes fluttered open and I was almost choked by fear. I wasn't in my bedroom! A gigantic headache was beginning to form, as I weakly sat up. Someone's arm fell lifelessly in my lap, sparking my alarm, but then quickly subdued as I examined the owners masculine face. He looked so peaceful. My angel. My shoulders slumped.

Like a pile of bricks, a wave of nausea knocked me hard  and I scampered around hurriedly to find the bathroom in my fricking bra and panties! I hurdled over last night's attire and opened a door.

The closet.

Not good enough, but I couldn't  hold it any longer! I grabbed a hat and my stomach convulsed. As if I was a fire hose, vile vomit splattered the bottom of the hat rapidly.

The door across the room was the bathroom. It was average, nothing special. I rested my hands on the sink soaking in this new found feeling. The realization that I was feeling way too strongly for Charlie was disheartening. All hope was lost. I've fell into the rabbit hole and I'm way too deep to escape the madness.

Truth be told, I was scared because I felt too much in too little time.

I wasn't being playful when I said 'my' like most people. Charlie was different. He was fun loving, cute and caring and I bet he could be a mother hen given the right circumstances. Sure he was a douche bag the first time we met, but I know emotional turmoil can turn humans ugly fast. We both love art. But lately, I've never gotten around to even holding a sketchpad except in art class.

Art class equals class. Therefore class equates to school...We have school today!

Sidestepping my teenage angst, I made quick work of waking up Charlie with a series of curses and the repetition of ''Get up! The house is burning down!'' In seconds he shot up, stiff as a bow, then noticing it was only me he sighed with relief.

''You almost gave me a heart attack, Lu!'' He slapped my arm playfully. His gaze began to wander over my clothes. Ha! Or should I say lack thereof?

''Oh no no, big boy. We need to move or else I might as well not go to school today,'' I said seriously grabbing my tank top and pushing my head through. Charlie could just drive to my place so I could get my things and I'd be off for school. I then grabbed my phone to check for any texts. Frozen in place, I looked at the black numbers on my screen. Ten o' clock!

''Charlie, we need to leave. School isn't an option anymore. It's ten and I have no intentions of becoming a tenant.'' I was fully clothed by this point and my skin was jumping.

''Sorry, babe. I'm just so sated at the moment that I feel like I've smoked a joint,'' he said with a cheeky smile then proceeded to mirror me. After a few tugs here and there, I ushered Charlie out the door. As I closed the door, I glimpsed our twin beers on the nightstand. Flashes of our bodies entangled in a sweaty heap swept pass my eyes. As my cheeks became a rosy pink I hoped Charmander wouldn't notice.

Out in the corridor we discovered the atmosphere was undisturbed. Did everyone leave?! The prospect of being locked in was not good. Being branded as Lucy the Looter would not enhance the chances of me getting a job.

I raised a finger to my lips indicating to Char Char to be quiet. With the stealth of purebred ninjas we stalked downstairs into the filthy living room. We were not walking on the ground anymore, ladies and gentlemen, but paper plates and plastic cups.

Making our way over to the door, I could have sworn I saw a pair of underwear. Suppressing the memory I pulled the door with hope. And yes, you guessed it. Locked. I pushed to make sure I wasn't being a dunce and nope I wasn't.

Strangely enough Charlie hadn't even grunted. I turned around and eyed him with a suspicious look.

 ''What?'' he asked sheepishly. Daring to be bold I said ,''So sex with me was that mind-blowing? If I had known earlier, I would have used it to shut you up a long time ago.''

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