Chapter 18

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Airi POV: me and Chris had just finished touring the condo and making moving arrangements. I couldn't do anything but think about how fast everything was going. I would never think this would've happend. Me and Chris lay in the room watching t.v. and I look at him and stare deeply into his eyes

Airi: I love you

Chris: I love you too

Airi: *staring into Chris eyes* no like for real

Chris: *laughing* im for real too airi

Airi: *turns off the t.v.* I've never felt this way about someone Chris, I don't know what it is

Airi POV: he stares into my eyes as if he were proud, or he accomplished something

Chris: I feel the same way, I feel as if this was God's plan, it crazy how everything feel into place perfectly.

Airi: the things I can say about you and the way you make me feel I could've never said about anyone else. I feel like you deserve these words.

Chris: *smiles* its crazy how love and your emotions can make you feel attached to another person just like you. And how someone can have you on a high and make you never wanna come down

Airi: right, how you can be attached to that "someone" were it be emotionally, mentally, physically or verbally. It truly is a good feeling, but sometimes unexplainable!

Chris POV: we laid in bed for hours and talked about alot of different things. You know how you have a conversation and a topic your talking about leads you to another topic, and that topic leads you to another topic and so on...... we had one of those . It felt good to vent to her.

Airi POV: me and Chris had a good conversation. We got really tired and we cuddled like normal and Chris squeezed my waist and said

Chris: I love you airionna! *kissing her*

Airi POV: i looked at him saying "i love you too with my eyes" and fell asleep

3 days later

Airi POV: we had finally moved into the condo and it was amazing. Dan wasn't staying with us yet because he was out of state with my mama. So it was just me and chris. It felt weird at first but im slowly getting used to it. Chris loves it to. We had a house warming party the second night and our furniture arrived very quickly. Everyone helped us moved and also found out me and chris were a thing. Me and chris relationship was doing well, i enjoyed his company. He was very good to me. Tonight we're all going out to the club just to celebrate

Airi POV: i was sitting on the restroom counter in the mirror doing my makeup while chris kept walking back and forth getting ready and checking on me.

Chris: *putting on his watch* baby hurry, you dont need all that makeup..really you dont need none at all *smiling*

Airi: *blushing* alright, im almost done

1 hour later

Chris POV: i was sitting on the bed on my phone waiting for airi, i knew she was almost ready cause i could smell her perfume which was my favorite, and she always pits on perfume last. She slowly walked out and i was shook.

Airi POV: as i walked out of the bathroom chris quickly stood up biting his lip staring at me. I walked towards him and he holds my lower back as we look at each other

Chris: you look beautiful *licking lips*

Airi: and you look handsome *smiling hard*

Airi POV: chris lowers his hands grabbing my butt and trying to kiss on me. I carefully push him away

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