Chapter 1

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1:30 am

Airi POV: everyone is sleep and im so bored, im finna see if Chris is awake

Chris POV: i hear footsteps in the hallway and i see a phone light coming towards my door. I hear a knock on my door

Airi: *whispers* chrissss???

Chris: *opens the door* oh hey airi! I thought you was asleep come in.

Airi: thank you chris, i've been up bored, i thought you was asleep

Chris: nope i cant sleep *sits next to airi*

Airi POV: i look over at him and catch him staring into my eyes i quickly look away because i got so nervous

Chris POV: everytime i look into her eyes she always look away, i wonder if i make her nervous

Chris: aye... airi.. l- lets

Airi POV: as he says that he walks out of the room and i hear the front door shut, i sit on his bed so confused

Chris POV: wtf did i just do, i sit in my car debating whether or not i should go back upstairs or tell airi to come in the car with me

Airi POV: *15 mins. later as i am slowly falling asleep on chris bed i recieve a text message from him

Chris POV: i see the house door open and i nervously unlock my doors as airi walks up to the passenger door and enters the car

Airi POV: we sit in the car, im looking out the window and i feel chris staring at me as i try not to look over at him and make eye contact

Chris: airi?

Airi: what gilly?

Chris: look at me

Airi POV: i slowly turn my head and at this point me and gilly are staring at each other

Chris: do i scare you *licks lips*

Airi: u- um- ummm no why *rolls eyes and tries to laugh it off nervously*

Chris: yes i do airi, dont lie to me

Airi POV: i try to hurry and open the door and get out of his car because the way he was staring at me i knew something was finna happen

Chris POV: i hurry and lock the door as i see airi trying to get out of the car

Airi: no chris

Chris: airi.... come hereee

Airi: gilly stooppp

Airi POV: i try to push gilly away as he pull on my shorts

Chris: what is it airi im not good enough for you? You dont love me? What is it?


Chris POV: i turn to look at her, she sounded so much like my mother

Airi: you know i love you. You know that already so dont even start with that. We just need to slow down im scared  you know all of this already

Chris: ye..yeah i do but... idk im sorry im just so confused are we bestfriends or what do we even call this

Airi: *i hold chris hands and look at him into his eyes* im confused to

Airi POV: i kiss him on the lips and put his head on my chest,  it starts to rain and we climb in the back seat and i lay on top of him listening to his heart.

Chris POV: i feel her shaking while laying on me and i grab a blanket and put it on her and wrap my arms around her waist as she jumps up

Chris: shhhh... *whispers* lay back down i got you baby girl

Airi POV: i slowly lay my head back on his chest and fall back asleep as i listen to his heart beat i felt so secured

Chris: *squeezes airi and kisses her forhead* *whispers* goodnight airi, i love you!

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