Chapter 6

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9:56 am

Airi POV: I look over and Dan wasn't beside me, I panicked. Then suddenly i hear him laughing and playing

Chris: *chases Dan around the room*

Airi POV: I see Gilly and Dan wearing a black adidas jumpsuit matching, I look down and see Dan with new adidas shoes I didn't buy, I knew Gilly bought all of this cause I saw shopping bags on the floor along with toys I never bought him. I back away from the door as I was peaking into the room trying not to be noticed

Airi: *does morning routine while thinking about what happend last night between her and Chris* why am I always emotional? *i asked myself*

Chris POV: *i look up as airi walks into my room and we didn't say a word to each other until she quickly snatched Dan out of my arm* what you doing?

Airi: *no response, proceeds to take dan away from chris*

Dan: mama noooooo, i want to stay with chrisssss *kicks*

Airi: *pops dan* no daniel *she demands*

Dan: *screaming* mama my toyyssss

Chris: atleast let him take his toys if you gone take him away from me

Airi POV: *i stop as he says that and turn around, then slowly bend down and grab his toys*

Chris POV: *i felt better knowing she let him take his toys as i watch her slowly bend she grabbed his toy and paused for 3 seconds it got quite, then she threw them at me*

Chris: dayyumm, what's wrong with you airionna??

Airi POV: proceeds to walk away as daniel begs for chris then slams chris door

Chris POV: i quickly open my door as she slammed it in my face

Airi POV: i feel him following me and i slam my room door in his face

Chris POV: i aggresively open airi's door as she slammed it in my face

Airi POV: puts daniel on the bed, then dan jumped in chris's arm, *pops dan* sit down now

Chris: stop airi

Airi: this is my child and my room so get out right now

Chris: *puts dan down* no *gets closer to airi

Nique: *bust in airi room* hey air-

Chris+Airi+Dan: looks at nique

Nique: oh sorry to interupt

Airi: no its fine, matter of fact can you get dan right quick

Nique: of course *reaches for dan* come here BLACK PANTHER *she laughs*

Dan: *smiles at nique and kiss her cheek*

Nique POV: leaves the room with dan and slickly locks the door behind her

Chris: *scoots airi into a tight corner, lifts up her chin* whats bothering?

Airi: *nervously stare into chris eyes* nothing move

Chris: *slides in front of airi blocking her* no, you can't keep pushing away the people that loves you the most and keep holding all of this in, so tell me

Airi: *tears rushing down her cheeks as she silently cries and puts her head down* *sniffs* who would actually listen to me, not just hear me but LISTEN, WHO WOULD ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT IT, I JUST WANNA GIVE UP SO BAADDDD

Chris: *still staring at her* Me

Airi: no you wouldn't *pushes him away trying to walk away*

Chris: *grabs her arm* come here, RIGHT NOW *he demands*

Airi POV: he quickly grabs me and pick me up then sets me on the dresser while he's in between my legs with his hand on my lower back

Chris: *stares at airi while his eyes fills with tears* AiRi....? *he says in a sad voice* stop it, stop it now *he cliches his teeth together trying to fight back his tears* Stop pushing me away, i care for you and your son so much you just dont even know how much i love the both of yall-

Airi: chri-

Chris POV: *puts hand over her lips and shhh's her*

Chris: i want to give you and your son the world and become one with you, i'm sorry i lied to you about not hurting tray. I-I just felt like it's my job to protect you, and you should've known i wasn't going to let that slide... AT ALL, now stop crying you've done this way too much in the last 3 days.

Airi POV: *chris voice* AIRI, AIRIIIII??

Airi: what nigga ? *as airi stopped day dreaming*

Chris: nique just shut the door so we need to talk NOW

Airi: about what?

Chris: you and this fucked up attitude *pushes airi into a corner trying to grab her legs*

Airi: so now what??.. you gone try and have sex with me just so i can forget about all of this

Chris: no im trying to get your attention AIRIONNA ANN LYNCH

Airi: *pushes pass chris and opens the door staring at the empty space...* bye!!

Chris: *stares at airi for awhile before walking out* that's fucked up

Airi: i dont give a fuck *slams door*

Nique: *standing outside the door* well i guess yall didn't solve anything

Chris: *walks pass nique and slams room door, lays on bed while tears run down his face he layed on his stomach spread out on his bed motionless, no feelings, no thoughts, no movement, no nothing. Just laying there like a vegetable for hours and hours as tears run down his face he didn't blink not even once, he felt paralysed*

Airi: come on dan we're going back to grandma's house

Dan: awww, can i tell chris goodbye mommy pweeasee!!

Chris POV: i layed motionless on the bed still, i heard dan ask airi that but i didn't hear a response, soon he bust open my door and hops on my back and kisses me and says goodbye, he bends down on the floor and stare at me as i look at him not even moving my eyes just staring.

Dan: goodbye chris i love you

Chris: *silently and slightly answers back* i love you too dan *barely moving his lips*

Dan: whaatt?? *shakes chris* chrissssss answer me

Chris: *steadily laying there not moving a muscle, bone, nothing*

Dan: *runs out of the room* mama chris not answering me

Airi: well forget him then, i should've never told you to go in there in the first place

Chris POV: i heard airi, but didn't get bothered

Dan: no he's lying there not moving like a creepy mummy *laughs*

Airi: Dan lets go i dont care he just want attention, come on now *as she walks past chris room*

Chris POV: *i heard her again but i just layed ther still......

Airi POV: *slams door loudly shaking the whole house*

Chris:*bust out in tears*

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