Chapter 14

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Chris and Airi: *at the same time* we needa talk

Chris POV: she sound so calm and unbothered I was shocked, but we decided to go upstairs and do this the right way


Lai: tray?

Tray: wassup?

Lai: I did it, did you?

Tray: yea, why?

Lai: OK send me my money

Tray: tuhh, you dumb asf if you thought I was really gone give you 5 racks for this lmao😂😂

Lai: nigga what you mean, we had a deal

Tray: OK.... and

Lai: OK bet, ima tell em then

Tray: idgaf, they aint gone do shit to me

Lai: fuck you then bitch, I hope he beat your ass

Tray: yeah yeah, bye


Airi POV: we walk upstairs to talk then Chris heads towards my room

Airi: *quickly jumps in front of him* ummm I perfer we go to your room

Chris: *looks at airi awkwardly* okaaaayyy *as he turns around*

Airi: *we sit on the bed and we look at at each other for a minute, he was studying my face and my whole body*

Chris: what happend to you?

Airi: what you mean?

Chris: something off, you not the same

Airi: *i knew what he was talking about but i tried to avoid it* chris dont change the subject.

Chris: ight..

Airi: so explain, im listening

Chris: first off what you wanna know

Airi: everything, like why was you at lai house and what happend between yall

Chris: you know lai and tray are friends and so we just stopped by her house to catch up with her

Airi: i understand that 100% i wanna know why was yall in the restroom alone and shit, i mean we're supposed to be working on something here and if i cant trust you now what makes you think i would be able to trust you if we take this further?

Chris: see lai was trying to have sex with me before you called, mind you tray lied to us saying he was going to the store-

Airi: *cuts chris off* see nigga you already lying!!!!

Chris: what you mean? Im telling the honest to God truth airi

Airi: tray told me that he never went to atlanta with you

Chris: what? That nigga a whole lie we had the same flight and everything, he the reason we went to lai house in the first place. And why was you talking to him?

Airi: forget about that. One of yall is lying to me.

Chris: why would you trust that nigga, after all he done did, that nigga is a fraud

Airi: *i kind of believed chris, i mean he is right after all* ok continue then

Chris: anyways, he told us he was going to the store, but called me later telling me he was staying at his friends house and that he'd come back a few days after me. Meanwhile that crazy girl wouldn't leave me alone and you had called so i ran in the restroom to get away from her, but she had picked the lock and came in with me. Thats why we were in the restroom.

Airi: and after that?

Chris: i got my keys after fighting with her and went to my moms house.

Airi: mmhhmmmm...

Chris: airi come on now, you know im not like that, why would i cheat on you? Thats not the person i am airi you know this already.

Airi: ion know chris

Chris POV: i look down at my phone to see lai calling, then i look at airi

Airi: answer it and put it on speaker

Chris: *answers the phone* hello?

Lai: hello, this chris?

Chris: yea what is it

Lai: look i got something to tell you

Chris: what is it?

Lai: me and tray set you and airi up

Chris and Airi: what?

Lai: tray said he'll pay me if i did something to mess up you and airi's relationship and while airi was upset at you he'll fly back to Houston and try and have sex with airi. I know i know, before you say anything im so sorry chris, i really needed the money. But since he decided to be a bitch and not pay me i told him that i'd tell you

Chris: wowwwwww, really? Fuck you lai dont ever call me again, i thought we was cool. You foul

Lai: chris im so-

Chris: *hangs up in lai face

Airi POV: i grab the back of chris's neck and kiss his forhead, as he held his head down

Chris: i knew it was something, so he really did come back here. *quickly turns to airi*

Chris: so did yall have sex?

Airi: no

Chris: good

Airi: im sorry for not believing you, i dont deserve you christopher, your just too good for me

Chris: dont say that, we both deserve each other.

Airi: *smiles at chris* i'll be back i got some things to do....

Chris: ok

Later that night

Chris POV: me and the gang went out to eat, except for airi

Airi: *i made it back home and everyone is in the living room talking and having a blast* okay yall its getting late i think ima go to bed

Nique and King: we are too

Carmen: well corey already asleep on the couch so im finna join him

Dre, ken, tay and jass: we finna crash downstairs too goodnight yall

Chris: *i walked to my room* goodnight airi

Airi: goodnight *i watched him close his room door, i was sad*

Airi POV: i sat in the restroom tired, i didn't want to go to sleep in my bed. I couldn't take it no more so i got up and went into chris room

Chris: hey airi, what you doing i thought you was asleep

Airi: i cant, i wanna sleep with you

Chris: ok come get in the bed

Airi: *locks the door and jumps in her usual spot as she and chris cuddles*

Chris: *we cuddle then i go in to kiss  her neck but i see bruises* airi

Airi: *tiredly* what

Chris: what happend to your neck?

Airi: *sits up quickly* chris i cant keep hiding this from you!

Chris: hiding what

Airi: i got something to tell you.....

Chris: and what is that?

Airi: um- ummm.... t-tr-trraayyy he um..... tray rapped me!


To be continued...........

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