Chapter 4

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Airi POV: I woke up but my eyes was still closed, I smelled the pillow to make sure I was still in Chris's bed and I was. I slowly moved my hands across his bed not feeling him near me I inhale deeply in frustration.

Airi: *mumbles* he knows I hate when he leaves me

Chris: im right here *grabs her waist and squeezes her*

Airi POV: *I smiled, then I deeply inhale and I could smell last night* Chris?

Chris: yea

Airi: did you go to sleep with a shirt on last night?

Chris: no, why

Airi: because you have one on now

Chris: oh yeah, I took a shower a few hours ago

Airi POV: he must've did good last night cause I was knocked out, I didn't feel anything

Airi: oh ok

Chris POV: I heard voices in the living room jumping up

Airi POV: I see Chris jump up and take off his shirt getting ready to fight it looked like

Airi: *i looked at what I did to his back last night biting my lip as I watched him walk towards his door*

Airi: chr- *he already walked out of the room and I was so nervous*

Nique and King: good morning, where airi we see her car but not her?

Airi POV: I eavesdropped nervously hoping they want see his back.....and his neck

Chris: *irritated* where that nigga tray at?

King: what got you so tight this morning bro?

Nique: so you didn't hear our question?

Chris: so yall didn't hear mine?

King: aye bro lose the attitude, he not here

Nique and King POV: we stared at Chris's back as he turned around trying to walk away

King: hold on buddy, not so fast. who scratched up your back like that

Chris POV: I quickly grabbed my back feeling rough lines on my back remebering what position we were in when airi did this

Chris: *trying to avoid answering the question* nobody...

Airi: *whispers* damn it Christopher, *gets up out of his bed walking towards his door, hearing someone walk up to it*

Chris POV: I walk back to my room and as I opened the door I see airi coming out

Chris: *whisper* where you going?

Airi: to shower

Nique: Chris you a whole lie, acting like you don't know where airi was, baeeeeeeeeeee.

Airi POV: I was so suprised to see nique, but I was scared so I quickly go in the restroom and slam the door

Chris: damn loud mouth, why was you following me?

Nique: why was you lying to me?

King: *runs to the hallway* what's going on?

Nique: I followed Chris to his door and airi was walking out of his room as he was walking in

King: where she at now?

Nique: *points at the restroom door* in there taking a shower

King: *looks up at Chris and daps him up* get you some then bri

Nique: *slaps king* wtf wrong with you

King: *pushes Chris chest* bro really? I thought yall was bro and sis?

Chris: nigga what is you talking about?

Nique: we not dumb Chris, we know you lying

Chris: I ain't got nothing to lie about

King: OK why you got scratches on your back?

Nique: and why was she walking out of your room

King: and why she in the shower

Nique: and why you get mad when I called king back here

Chris: *laughs* man yall tripping for real for real, go back to bed *slams door*

Nique: they was having sex in there

King: I know i could smell it when he shut the door

Chris: get away from my door damn...

Airi: *after eavesdropping on their conversation my heart drops as I get in the shower*

30 mins. later

Airi: *as soon as I get out of the restroom nique is right in front of my room door* move

Nique: *airi pushes past me and I see Hickey's on her neck* Airiiiiiii *i screamed as I shut her room door*

Airi: *walking uncomfortably towards her bed* whaaattt nique?

Nique: wow i am ashamed of you and him, I know what yall did

Airi: get out of my room nique

Nique: OK, but you ain't slick

Airi POV: I lay on my bed and attempt to get up, but it hurted so bad down there I could barely walk

Chris POV: *phone lights up, message from airi* "chris, you got me sore from last night😩"

Chris: "im sorry 😬🤷‍♀️"

Airi: "its fine i guess, im sorry about those scratches on your back"

Chris: "you good mama's"

Airi: "are you in your room still? Or did you leave me?"

Chris: "nope im still here"

Airi: "ok here i come"

Chris: *quickly types* "no, they gone suspect something between us"

Airi: *rolls eyes* "ok"

15 mins. later

Tray: im hoommmeeee

Airi POV: *i hear tray voice and my heart dropped*

Chris POV: *i jumped up out of my bed and ran downstairs when i heard tray's voice*

Airi POV: *i hear running down the stairs and crack my door to see that it was gilly* nooooo

Airi: *i hear thumping and grunts downstairs*

Tray: GET OFF OF ME NIGGA.......

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