Chapter 2

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11:13 am

Airi POV: I woke up in my bed confused and thought what happend last night was just a dream

Nique: Good morning airionna!

Airi: good morn-

Nique: babymomma I love you, but ya breath not smelling too good, ya just woke up

Airi: *smacks lips* can you tell me not the whole house loud mouth *rolls eyes in embarassment*

Nique POV: *I guess she woke up on the wrong side of the bed cause she slamed the restroom door right in my face* oh well she's just not a morning pserson she just need some food and she'll be better I mumbled

Airi: Nique food doesn't make everyone feel better get away from the door pleeeasseeeeeee!!

Tray: what's all this hollering for waking me up and shit

Nique: that's airi I guess she in a bad mood cause i told her that her breath sinkns or whatever honestly idk

Airi: *with toothpaste in her mouth* nique? Why you still by the door?

Nique: chill out airi I was just leaving ughhh...

Tray: *knocks on the restroom door* airiii

Airi POV: omg didn't I just tell her to go away


Tray: airi chill, damn its me tray wtf wrong with you?

Airi: *inhales deeply* please go away please tray

Tray: whatever, hurry up though I need to freshen up

Airi POV: *15 mins. later* I walk out the restroom after doing my morning routine and see nique walking past me I quickly grab her arm

Nique: airi don't touch me if you still got a lil attitude

Airi: *laughs* im sorry babymomma idky I was being bitchy, I love youuuuuu

Nique: idk airi you made me mad

Airi: pweeaasee forgive me

Nique: *we both bust out laughing* OK, but ion want that to happen again

Airi: ok *i get on my tip toes to hug her then I kiss her on the cheek* love you

Nique: love you too airi

Airi POV: idky i was in a bad mood this morning, where is chris i thought? I walked down the hall to his room and he wasn't in there so i went downstairs and i still couldn't find him

Airi: where is this man? *i whispered as i looked out the window and didn't see his car, i was so upset that he didn't tell me he left, i walked to my room and checked my phone and i saw a message from him*

Chris: Good morning mama's, go get your hair done and nails and when you done let me know, love you❤

Airi: *whhhaaattt, im not balling like that chris i typed before i saw a nonification on my phone saying i just recieved "$2000" on the cashapp*

Airi POV: i smiled from ear to ear remebering that last night was not a dream

Airi: Trayyyy...

Tray: WHAT?

Airi: dang you don't have to bust in my room like that

Tray: yea whatever, anyways what do you want?

Airi: ok never mind cause i don't have time for your attitude

Tray: how do you know i didn't have time for your attitude earlier? Anyways its too late now, so what do you want?

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