Chapter 5

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Tray POV: *i see Chris running rapidly downstairs towards me, he tackles me*



Airi POV: *i run downstairs seeing Chris constantly punching tray's face* stooppp it chris *at this point im crying and shaking so hard, everything went slow motion all of a sudden, I couldn't believe this was happening. Chris eyebrows pointed inward as his face scrunched together and turned bright red as he chokes tray so hard I couldn't hear him grasping for air anymore. I look over at tray's face that was red but slowly turned blue than purple as he couldn't breathe, his eyes was blood shot red and wide open, I never seen someone's face look like that I was so scared.* chrisss stopp pleaseee im begging  you *i look at tray's hands slowing trying to grab Chris shirt but he wasn't grabbing nothing*

Chris: airi mooovvveee

Airi POV: *I'm holding Gilly's back tightly as he's pushing me off of him trying not to hurt me*

Nique: Spllaaaaanneeee

King POV: *i run downstairs and quickly pull Chris off of tray* chill outttttt

Airi POV: *tray loudly grasp for air and quickly stands up dizzy* Chris, you lied to me *crying*

Chris POV: *i try to grab airi arm as she is crying but she snatches away from me* airi, come here *breathing heavily*

Tray: *tries to lunge at Chris, but he dodges it* ima kill you nigga *as king holds him back*


Chris: Why TF you trying to have sex with her and feeling on her!!!

Tray: airi you a grown ass woman why you telling him what we got going on, COME HERE NOW!! *he demands and tries to pull her*

Nique: tray chill your shit nigga

Chris: *throws a glass vase at him and breaks it* NIGGA CAUSE SHE CAN

Airi: Chris pleeaasseee

Tray: why you so mad nigga you acting like you fucking her-

Nique: actually he is...-

King+Airi+Chris: NIQUE!!!

Nique: ooppsss...

Tray: oh so that's what it is, her shit so good she got yo ass sprung huh?... well I wanna piece *laughs*

Airi: *crying loudly*


King: *wrestles with Chris* go upstairsssss!!!


Tray: not until i get some of my things

Chris POV: *as tray walks past me i grab his neck and put him in a choke hold* dont ever touch her again bro, i swear to God ima kill you if you touch her again!!!

Tray: *laughs as chris let's him go*

Airi POV: i quickly grab tray keys and unlock his car door as i go downstairs past all of the broken glass and dots of blood from tray

Chris POV: *i sit by the window breathing heavily looking at airi go into tray's car i slowly rose up in shock*

Airi POV: *i see my car keys on the floor and grab them carefully but quickly, i ran back upstairs and threw his keys back on his bed and ran fastly downstairs trying to avoid chris from grabbing me*

Chris POV: *i can tell airi was trying to avoid me, but i quickly grabbed her hand and pull her towards me, we stand there for a moment as i hold her waist, i look at her and i try to go in for a kiss but as i hold her she turns her head towards the wall and at this point im looking at her neck and i try to kiss her neck but she pulls back lightly with a tear running down her face*

Airi: *staring at the wall* what do you want chris?

Chris: *silently* you *sniffs*

Airi: no you don't *pushes him away from her* get off of me

Chris POV: i watch her walking downstairs and out the door

Airi POV: i sit in my car running my fingers through my hair trying not to cry, i slowly pull off like i was waiting for someone*

Tray: *walks in the living room* i guess it wasn't that good after all *leaves*

7 hours later

Chris POV: *i got off of my bed and looked out the window, airi was still gone* *gets message* airi- "can you pick up the blood and glass from by the front door because im bringing dan over"

Airi POV: chris- "i already did, you good?"

Chris POV: i look down at my phone and it said "read". Wow so she just gone ignore me? *smacks lips*

30 mins. later

Airi POV: *i pull up to the driveway holding dan and his bags struggling to open the door*

Airi POV: *as i open the door i see chris right in front trying to help me out and grab dan*

Chris POV: *i reach out to grab dan, but she pushes my hand away* stop it airi

Airi: move chris he's asleep

Chris: i know im trying to help you

Airi: i really don't want to argue with you and wake him up, so let him go now

Chris: well let me grab his bags

Airi: *squeezes chris hand* nooooo

Chris: why you acting like this?

Airi: move out of my way chris

Chris: not until you tell me what's wrong

Dan: *lifts up head and wakes*

Airi: lay back down baby mama gotchu. Chris moooovveee

Chris: *slides over* ok bet

Airi: *rolls eyes* whatever i don't care *goes to her room*

Chris POV: *goes upstairs attempting to slam the door but remembers that dan was asleep*

Airi POV: i pull dan closer to me and wrap my arm around him as i cry myself to sleep thinking about chris, i knew i loved that man so much i was just so confused!!!

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