Chapter 8.5

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Third Person's p.o.v.

"Haidi, our class are separated. Do you think you'd be fine on your own?" Katsuki asked.

"I-I guess..." Haidi said with a low voice.

Katsuki sighed.

"It's going to be fine." He patted her head and walked away.

Haidi went inside her classroom. Everyone stared at her like she's a villain. And then they started murmuring.

Haidi went to her seat and low her head down.

It's okay to be different. Being different is not bad.

She remembered the angel and devil's sayings.

"Umm... Hey! What's your name?" A girl asked.

Haidi looked up to see a girl with pink hair and violet eyes. She looked really nice.

"Haidi..." Haidi said.

"Uh... What? Can you say that a little louder, please?" The girl asked kindly.

"Haidi. M-My name is Haidi Aizawa."

"Haidi?" Haidi nodded, "That's a cute name." The girl smiled.

Haidi blushed. No one, except her friends and dad, compliment her.


"You're welcome! Oh, where are my manners!" The girl smiled sheepishly. "My name is Saika Kryst! Nice to meet ya, Haidi."

Haidi nodded.


"Hey, Haidi!" A voice echoed.

"W-What is it, Kryst-san?"

"Call me Saika, Haidi-chan!!" Saika pouted.


"Wanna hang out with me and my friends?"

"I'm s-sorry. I have a lot of t-things to do." Haidi said. But when she saw Saika's disappointed face, she quickly added. "Maybe next time?"

Saika's quickly lit up.

"Promise?" Saika put her pinky up.


For eight months of friendship, Haidi couldn't help but fall inlove with Saika. At first, she only liked her because of her pretty face and outgoing personality. But before she even know, she had already fallen inlove with her. Saika's smile, laugh, and personality. She wants to see and hear it everyday. Saika change her shy, dull and boring personality into a bright and outgoing person.

But their friendship ended after Haidi confessed.

"Saika-chan, I-I like you!" Haidi finally said.

Saika only stared at her and left Haidi heartbroken.

"Saika-chan?" Haidi asked, behind Saika's back.


Saika ignored her for months. No talking, no texts, no calls, no nothing. Haidi often see her with her friends. This made Haidi more broken. It made her remember what is like to be abandoned again.

"S-Saika!" Haidi yelled as she saw a pink haired girl walked by. The girl ignored her, but Haidi grabbed her arm.

"What do you want?!" Saika yelled, making Haidi flinched.

'Angel and Devil'  (Discontinued But Will Publish A Rerwitten Ver Of This Story)Where stories live. Discover now