Chapter 3

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Haidi's p.o.v.

Its been a week since we took the exam. I wonder how Izuku did... I know that Katsuki and I will pass but Izuku... Should I go there?

Yeah, maybe I should. I can't keep the worries.

"Yo, Dad!"


"I'm going to Izuku's. Call me if you need me!" I run towards the door and went to the station. My house is pretty far from his house...


After riding the train for 30 minutes, I arrived at my destination. I quickly run to Izuku's house. But being the blind person I am, I bumped into someone real hard! We both stumbled back.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! Please forgive me!" I bowed.

"Aizawa-san?" The voice ask.

"Huh?" I look up.

"Todoroki-san...? Uhhh..." I can feel myself blushing.

"I'm sorry if I bumped into you!" I bowed again.

"Don't bow, Aizawa-san. And its okay."

"You sure?"


"So, what are you doing in the town, Todoroki-san?" I ask him.

"Nothing just strolling..."

That rhymed!!

"How about you? As far as I know, your house is pretty far from here."

"How did you know?" I squinted my eyes.

"You told me. We rode a train together."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. Anyways, I'm here to visit my friend. If you listen to me and Yaoyorozu-san's conversation, you'll know who I'm talking about."

"You mean, your brother like sibling? Sorry if I eavesdrop."

"Yeah, it is and its okay. Nice talking to you, Todoroki-san, but I need to go. Byyyeeee!!"



Ding dong

"Who is it?" A sweet voice ask.

"Its Haidi, Auntie." I said

The door opened, revealing Auntie Inko.

"Come in." She said.

"Thanks. Where's Izu-chan?" I ask stepping in their apartment.

"In his room, his letter just showed up today."

"Oh, okay!" I went to his room without knocking.


"Hai-chan..." He cried.

"What happened? Did you not pass?!" He shook his head as a no and smile brightly as the sun.

"I PASSED!!" He hugged me and I hugged back.

"Congrats, Izu!" He went out of his room to tell his mom.


"So Izu, tell me what happened in your exam. I'm curious. And did Katsuki bully you?"

"I met this girl-"

"You did? Is she pretty and cute? Is she your crush? When and where can I meet her?"

"Nee-san!" He said but quickly covered his mouth and turned red.


"I don't mind you calling me that. So continue."

"I met her when I was going to the auditorium."

"Go on."

"But being the clumsy person I am, I tripped but she saved me from being tripped."

"Oh, and then what?"

"In the middle of exam, there this zero pointer robot and she got stuck. And I saved her using One for All. But my right arm and legs got badly bruised after using the power."

"Oh, is she pretty?"

"Yeah, she is..." I smirked.

"Izu got a crush! I'm gonna tell Auntie!"

"No, I don't!" He said.

"I'm joking, but if the two of you got together, I will support Izu!" He blushed.

"Enough! How about you, Hai-chan?"

"Nothing much. We just did a written exam. Oh, and also, I got new friends! Two of them, actually! A girl and a guy. Although the guy one is pretty atractive more that Katsuki."

"Name?" He smirk.

"Who are you and what did you do to my sweet cinnamon roll?!" I ask dramatically.

"I'm Izuku's other self." He joked. "Onto the question."

"His name is Shouto Todoroki. How about your crush?"

"I don't know her name........ I don't have a crush!"

"Don't deny it, Izu-chan."

"No really! How about you? You have a crush to this Todoroki person!"

"At least, I'm not denying it." I stick my tongue out.

"Fine! You win! I think she's pretty attractive as well..."

"I want to meet her. I wonder if we are in the same class."

"I want to meet your friends, too. Speaking of friends, who is the other one?"

"Her name is Momo Yaoyorozu. She's really pretty, too, you know!"

Our conversations about our exams went on and on. He also said that one of the people there is pretty scary.

"Izu, I'm going home now. Its already night time." I said.

"Okay, bye, Hai-chan."

"Bye." I went to their kitchen to say good bye to Auntie Inko and went out.

The train ride is pretty long so it made me sleepy but I didn't sleep.


"I'm home!" No one answered.

Huh? He's not here? Is he on a meeting?

I went to the kitchen and check my phone.

It said that he has a meeting tonight.

Oh, well, I'll just make dinner.


Chapter 3 end! Hope you like it and bye!

The She-Devil out~!

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