Chapter 3

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I stared at the stunning view from my window, trying to distract myself from the news I've heard. Having a room on the highest floor means I get to look at the whole city. It's as if I'm far from the danger, locked in my own world.

But as I turned to reach for my mug on the counter, I heard a low thud. I could sense someone was behind me so I turned around quickly.

I unconsciously whispered his name.

"Ah, you've learned my name." He said with enthusiasm.

As expected, he would come back for me. I bet he'll try to kill me, but that won't happen tonight.

"What are you doing here?" 

"Are you not expecting a visitor?" he sounded stern and started to walk closer. It's as if he's trying to intimidate me.

"A visitor? I heard you're being called a terrorist." 

"You've been to the police," he said.

I tilted my head, "Is that a question?"

I could see the expression in his eyes. He's grinning. "They lied about me," 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Oh, you definitely know." He stopped moving. "But I am not a terrorist. I'm just not from around here." 

"Well then you better go back where you came from," I said, my back touching the table. 

My heart was racing. The rush I felt was...freeing. This is probably the second most exciting thing I have ever encountered in a week. Mostly because I know I could take him on with my gun.

"I actually cannot." He sighed. "You see, I need to get something done." 

Secretly, I tried to reach for a gun under the table. 

"And I need you to help me with that plan." 

"What makes you think I'll help you?" 

He chuckled, "You helped me get away last night. I'm certain you'll help me again."

"You really think you can ask me to help you just like that?"

"I wasn't asking. That's a command." 

"That's not gonna happen," 

He chuckled again, "Well," he reached into his pocket, fished out a phone and held it up for me to see. "If I press this button, that Gotham police will head over—" 

"That's good news" I smirked at him.

"And I'll have them capture me as I tell them about last night. And everything that happened today. Perhaps I could make up a few more stories just to make you look like an accomplice. And I assure you that I could stand my point." He stepped closer, 

I glared at him. He liked this. He thought he had the upper hand.

"All you have to do is supply my men with faultless and the latest weaponry. And after taking Batman down, you are free to go. Hands clean." It was as if his eyes spoke to me. "It's easy."

"Why are you doing this?" 

"People are guilty of holding grudges. One person held one for so long that he had to blame others for his own faults. But apart from that, I would like to think that I do this for a friend." 

"A friend?" 

"You do know Miss Tate? Her father planned something amazing for Gotham City. But he passed away too soon. And she wants to finish what he started. All in honor of her father." he paused, "And I am here, a friend of hers, open to help her get the job done." 

"Miss Tate..." I whispered. The woman that Wayne Enterprises sent to try and buy off our company. They did not like the competition. 

"I'm sure you've done your research. So tell me, why would I help my competition? Can't you get your resources from where she works?" Since she and Bruce Wayne often showed pride in their tools, I expect that theirs would be better than ours. Not.

"You know your company manufactures weapons that even Wayne Enterprises cannot provide. It's not enough to bring ruin to Gotham."

I gaped, "Wait, I thought you were only taking Batman down? Gotham too?" 

"Gotham is a lost cause, Amy." His tone was firm. Sure, Gotham reeked of blood and injustice, but to ruin a city...

"You really do not have an option, Amy." He added, "You are quite lucky that I am even negotiating with you. If I did not respect your loyalty—"

"I am not loyal to you." I sneered.

"—Do not worry. This will be between us, and no one will know." 

"What other choice do I have." I shrugged in exasperation. "Oh, why don't you just kill me."

He scoffed, "We'll be needing you first."

I get it. He has a witness. A witness who knows a lot and owns a lot. He won't let me go easily. He's got his hands on a perfect, useful tool.

This time, he stepped in front of me and held his hand out, "Do we have a deal?" 

"Deal," I turned away from him and gave out a little smirk. Quickly, I reached for the gun under my desk and pointed it at him. "Now get the hell out of here before I blow you off." 

He paused, looking at me suggestively. 

"I was talking about your head." I groaned but he chuckled.  

"Out!" I shouted at him. 

He gave out a loud laugh as I rolled my eyes. After I looked away, he was gone. 

"And I thought Batman only did that," I muttered to myself.

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