Chapter 15

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She failed to stop me. Why would I? I started this and I will finish it. This is all I have left now. I said my goodbyes, knowing I might not see her again.

I shook my head and placed the palm of my hand on my forehead, trying to push off the image of Amy in my head. Trying to shut the voices in my head, I pounded my hand on the table, making my men turn their attention to me.

"We start at the bank," I said before grabbing a gun and leaving.

The police made their approach. I stood in the middle, surrounded by other men waiting for my signal.

One of the tanks' missiles were in position—aimed at the police approaching us.

"Open fire," I said as I turned away, leaving the rest of my men to handle it.

Before I could step inside, loud gunshots were fired. But it sounded like it came from something else. I turned back and saw a large black vehicle blocking the way. And from that moment, I knew.

Batman's back.

Moments later, it was pure chaos.

Bane headed down the stairs. He was not happy to see Batman ruining his plan again. He started taking down a few policemen as he made his way down.

One of the men tried to grab Bane, but failed to do so, leaving him lying on the hard ground. Another threw a punch, but missed. Bane enjoyed this, even taking his fur coat off, ready to take on the world.

It wasn't long until Bane went head-to-head with Batman.

"So, you came back to die with your city?" Bane said, looking straight at Batman who stood in front of him.

Batman looked back at him, "No, I came back to stop you." He replied before the two ended up in a bloody brawl. Batman might have been kicked to the ground a few times, but it was not enough to keep him there.

Batman aimed for Bane's face. As Bane pushes Batman's hand away, he gave out a quick punch back, hitting Bane near the head. He took his time, allowing Batman to continue throwing punches at him. His mask had been destroyed. Bane is a only a few hits away from having a destroyed mask.

The whole street was filled with mobs. People were hurting each other. I headed to the corner of the building, hoping to get in and find Bane. I ran up the stairs, looking down at the mess this city had become.

A loud thud caught my attention. I turned to my right and saw a tall man wearing a black suit. I could not believe my eyes—it was Batman beating Bane.

I wanted to run and stop them both. But I can't just do that! I'll get myself killed, and I'll blow our cover in front of thousands of policemen. 

I watched them both throw punches, but it seemed like Batman was getting ahead of him. Before he could hurt Bane any further, a scream came out of my mouth—


Batman destroyed Bane's mask. I could see Bane's face getting red, his hands shaking. I stepped closer to see what was wrong.

The mask is completely wasted.

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