Chapter 10

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(Song to read with: Quittin' by Lilfina)

Gotham is a wreck. It has been weeks. I sometimes feel bad for what Bane has done to this city, but I am reminded about the punishment that corrupt figures have gone through.

Sure, he's doing this for Miranda. But I'd like to believe what he told me, that he's doing this to punish those who deserve it.

I'm never quitting. I've gone this far. I am siding with him whatever happens.

For the past several weeks, I've seen his dedication. I've seen how determined he is. And I've seen why he wants to do this.

And I know for a fact that I've fallen for him. Call me crazy, but I've gone this far to deny it.

"Amy," Bane suddenly spoke.

I turned around and looked where he was standing.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Have you tracked them down?"

I nodded, "Yeah. And they seem to be heading to this area," I pointed at the screen, where beeping lights flashed.

"We are headed north." He said, walking across the room. "Today is the day."

I stood up from my desk and crossed my arms looking at Bane, then I glanced at my right where Miranda stood, staring at me. I looked away ignoring her suspicious look.

Hours later, I spent time outside the facility. Despite the cold, I preferred to stay outside to take a breather. There's no quitting from this. I'm really doing this. Holy shit.

Bane came out wearing a brown fur coat and he looked up at the gloomy sky.

"Seems like you picked the right day, huh?" I asked him.

He glanced at me, "Perfect time."

I tore my gaze from the sky and caught him staring. "What?"

"I see you are not bothered with any of this." He said as his hand swung gesturing around us. "No more questions? No more annoying comments?"

I sneered at him. "I'm fine. I know what I'm doing. As long as no one's getting hurt."

He stepped closer, "You seem to have made up your mind."

"I don't appreciate people excommunicating people just because they dislike them."

Bane locked eyes with me. The look he gave me was different, he seemed glad and all but not what I anticipated which I was giving him. I was looking at him with passionate eyes, wondering if he'll ever realize...

No. This is all so stupid, and probably won't even work if I told him about it. Nothing would actually with the fact that I'm a woman who joined in his army, and he's the leader of a crime. Like there would be happy endings in a menacing story like mine.

"My father," I suddenly felt the need to explain, "He stopped talking to me when he found out what career I chose for myself. He didn't like that I had control over my life. It would've been fine if he just lost my number or stopped inviting me for family dinners. But...he decided that he would go against me at court, too. He humiliated me."

"Did he win the trial?"

"No." I had to pause and hear the words I was about to say in my head, "I won. And he didn't like that. He thought it was a good idea to disown his daughter in front of an audience."

I tried to hold in my tears. I was not going to look weak. But Bane's look made me even weaker. Beneath that mask is a man who feels. His eyes show everything.

Our moment is interrupted by Miranda who went out of the facility. She announced that the men are ready, alarming Bane. He looks at me once before entering the facility. Afterwards, Miranda headed towards me, giving me that look from afar again.

"Get a hold of yourself, Dawn." She said, looking at me from head to toe before. I asked her what she was talking about. Miranda glared at me, "Oh, you know what I'm talking about. I see how you look at Bane, and those kind of things won't--or should I say--will never work around here."

"I don't know what you're saying-"

"I know you have a little crush on him, Amy."

I paused, "That is foolish--"

She cut me off, "Indeed it is. If I were you, I'd stick with work and would not even mind crushing over a man whose mind is fixated on Gotham's reckoning. What makes you think he'll have the time and the heart to waste on such childish things?"

I swallowed my anger, "Bane cares for you. He's doing this all for you, so that just means he's got a heart."

"Oh, please. It's a favor." She hissed. "A man like him is indeed someone to trust. He cared for me, but it won't even last. It's just a business deal. Once every person in this city has paid with their lives—"

"What? Every person—no. We agreed that only those who deserve it."

Miranda sneered. "Cut it at the root, as they say," She said coldly. "So there would be no child, not one soul from this forsaken city will live to bring chaos. Not anymore."

"You can't do that." I shook my head. "Does Bane know that?"

She smirked.

"You didn't tell him." I said.

She started walking away from me. "It's too late. Gotham will burn to the ground. And if you try to stop it, you're going to burn with it. Now get back to work."

I shook my head in disbelief as I watched her walk away. She signalled the other guys in black to get her car. She was going to see Batman.

That traitor. She loved her father, who cared for her and would not even have so little to give love back to the 'monster' who took care of her when people almost tried to kill her.

Miranda is the true monster.

Bane needs to know.

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