RR_Party in the House Tonight

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Chapter XXV

Jutland, Denmark...

Her head was aching badly. The excruciating pain kept on torturing and hindering her to continue the tasks pre-assigned by her master.

She was sitting on a chair facing bulk piles of confidential mails scattered generously on top of her rectangular Victorian, marble-top table. She's been on that place for a couple of hours, without bothering to take a single break.

And now that her body was about to collapse, she got no option but bring it to a halt.

She knew that what she's been doing was illegal. At first, she was hesitant to "doctor" those records, but in the end she complied with the order.

This isn't the first time she'd been into this mess. In fact, this illegal proceedings has been up for years. And yet, no one got to figure out regarding this matter.

Was it simply because the person behind all this telltale fiasco was a bit influential?

Or just overshadowed by the persona who manned the scheme?

She let out a deep sigh. Not a relief, but of weariness.

"You really are trustworthy on this field of work, Dedrei! I really am glad that your loyalty still lingers on your master!"

That blunt statement startled her for a moment. She didn't notice that her master had just entered the room. Her mind was too pre-occupied that it wandered elsewhere.

"Deres Hojhed! Queen Dowager! What a pleasant surprise to see you paying me a visit." She said wide smile and head bow down.

"I just came to drop by and... well see to it that you already fully furnished those mails for me."

The Queen Dowager riveted her sight to the bulk piles of envelopes on the table. A disgustful look was visible on her face.

"What's keeping you so long that you left your job halfly-done?"

And this was the hateful part of being the Queen's slave. No...scratch that. Not the Queen's slave, but the QUEEN DOWAGER'S SLAVE.

"Jeg er ked af, Deres Hojhed! It's just that my headache strikes again. Don't worry, Your Highness Queen Dowager, before the sun sets I'll make sure I already mail those letters to the palace."

She finally gave in. arguments would be of no use. That effin' Queen Dowager still got the aces in her so-called game.

"I'll take your word, Dedrei!" was her masters final word and stormed out of the room.

She slightly massaged her head. The pain was intolerable. Worst, her bottle of medication was already empty.

She grunted. The situation was really frustrating.

Her lips twitched, yet she managed to display a smile.

"Perhaps, this is my reward for altering those records. Falsification of medical records. Ugh, I'm sorry Kronprinssesse Samantha Yngrid, and my pity to Kronprins Jace Frederrick!"

Tears started to stream down her cheek.

Not later than that, she passed out.

(Sam POV)

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