RR_Min Kronprins

76 3 1

(Crown Prince POV)

I already arrive in the country.

The country where my beloved Crown Princess currently staying.

Yes, she's gone far and wide.

But that doesn't men I would stop looking after her.

I couldn't bare the thought that she would be out of my sight.

Yes, I desperately tailing my crown princess---

My future Queen....

I could still remember, way back in Denmark, our first meeting...




Ch*****borg Palace,
Archery range.....

I was really disgusted on that day.

The Council of the Royal House just instructed me to practice shooting using an arrow.


I never dreamed of being a bowman!..

That's just too primitive!..

They said, I must practice and ready myself for it is part of the ceremony in the Royal Engagement.


I'm too young to be engaged!...

And besides, I don't want myself to be tied in marriage....

....In arrange marriage!...

That's too pathetic!..

Moreover, girls pissed me off easily.

I'm sick and tired of them, especially in school.

They gradually stalking and and tailing me all over the campus....

....soooo, annoying!..

"Deres Hojhed!.. Kronprins!.. Fokusere dig selv!.. Haeve din bue en lille smule od sigte din malrette kraftigt!..." (Your Highness!.. Crown Prince!.. Focus yourself!. Raise your bow a little bit and aim your target sharply!..)

"Afslut rabe vil du?... Jeg har allerede hort du klart og tydeligt!.." (Quit shouting, will you? I already heard you loud and clear!..)

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