Chapter 38

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"You know, I love you too, so damn much." I told him, yawning and snuggling into him a little more.

"Good night babe." he whispered, pulling the blanket over both of us.

In the morning I quickly realized that I was alone in bed but I could hear movement in the kitchen so I got up and did my morning thing before checking on the kids. Bree wasn't in bed which means that she's with her dad and Aiden was just opening his eyes when I walked up to his crib.

"Good morning, mi bebé, it's a good day baby. You're gonna meet your brother today, everyone is coming over for dinner. It's gonna be a day for the books baby, let's go see your daddy." I said, watching the baby smile at me.

"Hey, I was gonna bring you breakfast in bed." Dom said when he saw me in the living room.

"Yeah momma, we were gonna take you flowers too." Bree added.

"Well, now we can have breakfast together." I told them.

"Momma, daddy and I already had breakfast." she said, turning back to the tv.

"You forgot about me."

"You were sleeping." she replied.

"Alright, well I'll eat breakfast then we've gotta talk baby."


I stalled I won't lie, we watched tv after breakfast and I left the kids with Dom while I got out their clothes and stuff. How the hell do I tell her that daddy had a baby with someone who isn't mommy? I mean, I'm obviously not going to tell her that but how exactly do I even get into that kind of conversation with a 5-year-old?

I walked into the living room and turned the tv off. Bree looked worried so I smiled at her to ease her nerves. Dom pulled her into his lap and kissed her head.

"Baby, your momma and I have to tell you something." he said.

"Are you leaving again?" she asked quickly.

I saw the pain shoot over his face but he masked it quickly enough. He honestly hadn't realized what all of these jobs and unexpected time away was doing to her. Now he knows and he's seeing first hand just how she feels, especially with her clinging to him like a spider monkey.

"No baby, this is good news." I told her.


"Everyone is coming for dinner today except for Mia and Brian but someone special is going to come." I told her.

"Who's coming?" she asked.

"Your little brother is coming." I replied.

"Another little brother Bree." Dom added.


Her eyes quickly moved to my stomach but I shook my head. I could see her little gears trying to understand what we were talking about but I didn't want to stress her too much. This isn't exactly a situation for a child to understand, she's too young to get all of this.

"You know how mommy taught you about God and the angels?" I asked her.


"Well God gave us a gift Bree, there's a little baby that he needs us to take care of. He's another little brother for you. He's gonna be another little angel for us, just like you and Aiden." I told her.

"Where's his mommy?" she asked.

"His mommy is with God, she's the new baby's angel. She needs us to take care of him because she can't do it anymore. She was mommy and daddy's friend and God decided that he needed another angel with him in heaven." I replied.

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