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You changed your skin to normal and touched your feet to the ground. You were just going to take out the bomb when your were interrupted

You were thrown upwards by some kind of red light. You prepared yourself to be thrown into the ceiling but you weren't, you just hovered there.

You growled and changed your skin so your body would go through the power, and you floated quickly downwards

"Y/n!" A voice yelled from behind you

You turned and you saw a man dressed in blue with a star on his chest, he had blond hair and blue eyes, he was tall and he had a sad smile on his face, he was rather attractive. He was holding a circular shield which was red, white and blue with a star on it, the same the man was wearing.

"Y/n, it's steve" he said

You didn't take note of what he said, you were busy looking for a weak spot on him, you took out your gun and shot at him until your barrel was empty. He blocked it with his shield, and you inwardly groaned

"You know me y/n" he said again but you ignored him

You felt like you remembered his voice, somewhere deep down. But like him, you ignored it. You couldn't know him, all you knew was HYDRA and this man clearly wasn't with HYDRA

"Y/n" a voice said from behind you

You decided not to turn, not just yet. It was probably some kind of trap, so instead you flew upwards and onto a pile of crates

You surveyed your situation, you saw three people, the blue man who called himself Steve, a woman with long brown hair who was wearing a red leather jacket and a man with shoulder length brown hair and a metal arm

You took out a gun and was about to shoot when once again you were thrown away by some kind of red light, you quickly changed your skin and landed on the floor in front of the three.

You took a fighting stance and prepared yourself but the three didn't seem to want to fight

"Y/n" the man with brown hair said "you know me, I'm Bucky, I'm your brother"

You made a small force field and pushed it towards the man who jumped to the side

"Y/n please, I won't fight you" he said, still you didn't say anything, you just took out a knife and threw it with deadly accuracy at the woman who stopped it with her red light thing

"Christmas 1935" steve said

"Yeah, you remember? We broke into that abandoned factory?" Bucky said

You made another force field and threw it to the brown haired one 'Bucky' and he jumped to the side

"And we lit a fire? And you made fun of me because I had an asthma attack because of the smoke?" Steve spoke again

"And then the cops came and we ran for it?" The other one said

"And we ran to my mums house?" The blue one said again

You threw a knife at the blue one called steve and he deflected it with his shield

"And we had hot tea next to the fire?" The brown haired called Bucky said

You felt something stir inside you, but your tried to suppress the feeling, no of course you didn't know these people!

"Y/n you know us" the blue one said

"No I don't!" You screamed as you pushed your force field forward and it slammed into the blue one who called himself Steve, and he went flying backwards

Suddenly three more people burst in, one was made of metal which was red and gold, the next had red hair and was dressed in black and the third had dark blond hair and was carrying a bow

You had the sense these people were not ones to be reckoned with. You quickly took out a bomb and threw it behind you towards the supply's, then you flew straight upwards

"Y/n stop!" The one called Bucky yelled at you and for some reason you complied.

You looked down and saw the metal one and the red girl flying towards you. You quickly made a force field around yourself

"We don't want to hurt you" the woman said

"Yeah, you know those two down there" the metal one added

In seconds you had taken out your last gun and let down your force field. You shot at the metal man four times and without looking to see if he had been hurt you turned to the woman

You threw a kick at her but the red force stopped you. You turned your foot and lowered it. you decided to try a double bluff, you made to hit her with one of your fists and the second she stopped you you brought out your other hand and punched her in the the stomach

She flew backwards and you made your ways out through the ceiling

"Y/n stop!" You heard someone yell but you didn't listen

You knew the explosion would happen soon and so you needed to get out, but for whatever reason you did the opposite.

You flew down to where the group was standing and turned your back to them

"Y/n!" One of Then yelled but you weren't listening. You didn't know why but you couldn't let Steve and Bucky get hurt

You made a huge force field around all of you and braced yourself

The explosion sounded and you pushed with all your strength against it. You felt like you were going to pass out. Bigger force fields do that to you.

The second you were sure there was nothing left you let down your force field and stumbled

You were sure you were going to hit the floor but then the man called Bucky caught you

"Alright y/n, your ok" he said

You panicked and punched him in the face, hard. In fact you were pretty sure that would have broken his nose

He stumbled backwards and you fell to the floor. You quickly composed yourself and jumped up, you knew you were weakened and you were sure you would be severely punished for taking so long

You quickly flew away and you prayed they wouldn't follow you, you knew you were not going to be as fast as you normally would be

"Y/n!" He called but you continued onwards

You were trying desperately to convince yourself that you hadn't recognised those men.

You were sure you had seen the one with brown hair. He said he was your brother but he can't have been. You tried to break the thought from your mind but it appeared to be fully lodged.

About a minute later you made it to the helicopter and flew in, falling in the floor in the process

"What took you so long?!" One of the two people in there yelled crossly

"Go!" You cried in response and you quickly took off

"Hey, medic!" The pilot cried and the medic ran to your side, that was the last thing you remembered before passing out

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