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Bucky gulped

"Uh right, well Fury y/n is no harm I assure you, she has some of her memory's and she isn't with HYDRA anymore"


That word killed you, it proved the fact you were once with HYDRA. You stole for them, You killed for them. It was unbearable, a wave of guilt washed over you, how could you be standing here with Steve and Bucky and their friends after what you have done?! How could you be having a nice time when you took those peoples lives?! How could they possibly defend you after the pain and grief you caused? You didn't even know most of them!

"We should be cautious!" Fury said

"And what? lock her up?!" Steve yelled

"It's ok steve" you comforted, you turned back to Fury "I get it, it's alright, you can lock me up, I won't struggle"

"Y/n you can't be serious!" Steve yelled looking to you

"I'm deadly serious" you said, once again your voice was monotone and emotionless

Panic flooded through Bucky, he knew you would be like this. You didn't think you have the right to be free - to live.

Fury nodded in triumph and approval. "Yes" he said "you will answer for your crimes until we can prove you didn't do it out of your own free will"

"No! You won't take her away from me!" Bucky yelled

"Yeah Fury you can't be serious?" Tony said

"Fury who the hell do you think you are?!" Bruce yelled and everyone turned to look at him. A look of panic crossed his face "I need to go" he said and he ran off

"Is he ok?" You asked

"We can explain later" steve said

"If he needs medical attention, I could always be of service but I understand if he doesn't want me to" you looked down

"It's not that, don't worry. We will explain later" steve said

"Eh hem" Fury cleared his throat "can we gat back to the matter at hand?"

"Yeah, as I was saying, you can't be serious!" Tony yelled

"I agree, they just got the poor kid back and let's be real here, we all know she was brainwashed" Natasha added

"Well it will be proven in court" Fury said

"It doesn't need to be proven! We already know it's true!" Wanda shouted

There were voices of agreement and you couldn't help but feel proud, no for you no, but for your brother. He had clearly found himself a very loyal bunch of friends

"Fury" Clint said - no one had ever heard him talk so dangerously and frankly, it was terrifying "this girl has been through hell, she has no right to be locked up"

"No right?!" Fury Yelled, clearly feeling threatened "what about the people who she killed?!"

Yet another wave of guilt hit you, it was so strong you thought you would surly drown. Because,of course, he was right! You had innocent blood on your hands, and that's a stain that can never be washed off

"Please don't say that" you pleaded looking down in order to hide the fact you were beginning to get teary eyed "I know what I did, and it's disgusting. I also know it wasn't me, well it was but it wasn't, you know what I mean! Thank you all for supporting me but it's ok, I will go with the bald one"

"The bald one!?" Fury screeched

"You will not take her from me, HYDRA will be looking for her, she won't be safe!" Bucky said dangerously

You stepped forward and put a hand on Bucky's shoulder

"Hey Buck, it's ok. All be it he's a bit of a dick Fury is the superior officer, I committed those crimes, and brainwashed or not I need to answer to the law"

"Guards!" Fury Yelled And three guards ran in

"Take her to the secure cell, in the morning she will go to court"

The guards nodded and you held out your hands - ready to be handcuffed

Bucky stepped out in front of you

"No! I only just got her back! You can't take her again!"

"I second that!" Steve agreed

"Boys!" You Yelled And you jumped in front of them so they didn't attack the guards "nothing will keep me from you, but i accept this, ok? I can prove I was brainwashed, and I will come back. Hey it's been 70 years what's one more night?" You laughed but you couldn't hide the worry that showed up

You tightly hugged Steve, and then Bucky. You were about to turn to the guards when Bucky caught your wrist.

"Please, don't go" he said and you could see tears forming in his eyes

"I will come back brother. I will" you said and you turned and allowed yourself to be hand cuffed

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