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You screamed as you collapsed onto your knees holding your head in your hands. This happened about every other month.

It had happened half way through training, you had just been about to throw a knife at a board when you suddenly went stiff, you knew what was about to happen so dropped to knife you ran to your room/ cell

Suddenly you couldn't touch anything, your skin went through everything you touched even if you were in a pressurised room.

Every part of you hurt. It usually lasted about two to three hours but it was hell, it was almost as bad as the chair.

No doctor HYDRA had called in could do anything and it's not like they cared that much, they just locked you in your pressurised room and let you ride it out.

Sometimes you would pass out from the pain- those were the good ones. You didn't have to go through it all, but other times you had to suffer for hours. Scared, cold, in pain and alone, screaming in your cell.

Your voice hurt, you had been screaming non stop for at least an   hour, you gritted you teeth as another wave of pain hit you

You looked up and saw a guard looking through the door of your cell. You were going to ask what he was doing but then everything went fuzzy, and you fell into the sweet relief of unconsciousness.

- time skip -

You sat silently in your cell, your    'little episode' as doctor Schneider  liked to call it, was over and you hurt- a lot.

The door to your cell was pushed open and you stood to attention and saluted

"At ease soldier" Hans said as he walked in and you put your hand down to your side

"It is time for your next mission" he said and you inwardly groaned -    hadn't  you been through enough already over the past few hours?

"The next shipment for SHIELD is arriving here" he pointed to a hologram that had just appeared in front of you

"It is vital because it is carrying a fair amount of weaponry" he continued "they will be dropped off at ten, there will be centuries surrounding it so you will have to pick your time to come in, you will enter here, find the room they are being kept in, get in, get out and do it fast, don't care who you kill in the process" he finished

You gave him a stiff nod

"Gear up soldier" he said and swiftly left to let you change

- time skip -

You sat in the truck on your way to the SHIELD shipment you were going to destroy and tried to block out a bad feeling that had seemed to settle in the pit of your stomach.

You pulled up behind a rock and you climbed out.

"Alright soldier you're all set" the commander said and you nodded "you will be able to see to warehouse when you go" he said

You nodded once more and turned around, ready to go blow up stuff

You rose slightly off the ground and sped along, luckily you were wearing dark closing so you blended in in the dark terrain, the only light coming from the stars shining and the warehouse windows

You came up to the warehouse and saw your entry point, you waited for the guard to pass and sped inside, straight through the wall

You entered a small office - like room that, luckily, was unoccupied. You went through three more walls, all the rooms looked the same and you grew slightly suspiciously the fact that you had not run into anyone yet, but you were distracted when you came into a rather large room filled with huge wooden boxes.

This must be it

You thought and you walked into the middle, you still had an uneasy feeling about you

Why had no one come?
Why is there hardly any security for such an important shipment?
Why was this being so easy?

You took out a small bomb, you had to set three because of the size of the shipment. The second you set them,   all three all the bombs would activate    and have a countdown of thirty seconds, that was just enough time for you to get out.

"Y/n" a voice said from behind you and you turned, there stood two men, one was blond and had blue eyes, he was wearing a blue suit with a star on the front, and was holding a shield which was red, white and blue and had the same star the man was wearing on the front.

The other had shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes, it looked like he hadn't shaved for a few days and he also looked like he hadn't slept in that long either. He wore black combat clothes and he had a sad expression plastered on his face

"We don't want to fight"

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