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Bucky looked up at your picture, he had stuck it on his wall opposite his bed and above his desk so he could see you.

he smiled sadly at your picture and stood up so he could stand in front of you

"Y/n I'm- I'm so sorry. I miss you" he said quietly

He held up his metal arm and he held back a sob, This is what ties him to his past. The number of people killed by this arm, he couldn't bare it. He looked back at you

"I'm so sorry, you must be so disappointed in me" he let out a sob and went to his bathroom

He sat on the toilet and cried for he didn't know how long. He thought of your laugh and your smile. The way you would hold up your middle finger up when he pissed you off, you talking eagerly about the 'amazing book' you just read and how he would never see any off that ever again. He never truly appreciated you and now you were gone. He cried and cried and cried.

After a while he stood up, Steve was right you wouldn't want him to be sad. Anyway his sister had died years and years ago. He composed himself and went outside. He walked to the living room where Clint was watching TV, and Natasha and Wanda were both reading.

"Hello" he said

"Hey man" Clint said

"What are you watching?" He asked Clint

"Voltron, it's this amazing show about space and aliens and stuff" he replied

"Oh" Bucky said

Of course he had no idea what Clint was talking about. Back in his day aliens were never talked about, it just wasn't really considered. The show looked good enough, one of those cartoons. Clint had explained what a cartoon was to him last week after a whole lot of teasing for not knowing what they were in the first place

Bucky was very close to yelling that it wasn't his fault he missed out on about 90 years of humanity evolving and Clint should give him a bloody break but luckily he was saved by Natasha who told Clint to 'shove off' and to 'leave the poor man alone'

"Alright team Fury wants us" Bucky snapped out of his thoughts and looked to steve as he walked in, "I thinks it's important- might be a mission"

"Awww but steevvveee" Clint whined

"No you need to come now" Steve said

"Fine" Clint said as he turned off the television and pouted

They all made their way to the meeting room where Bruce and Tony already were. They all sat down and a brief silence followed only to be broken by Fury walking in.

"Hello team" he said

He was greeted with various 'hellos' or grunts

"Alright we have a mission for you" he said as a screen appeared behind him

"Isn't that a SHIELD base?" Tony asked

"Yes, it contains data on almost every SHIELD agent and has logs of all shipments of weaponry supplies to SHIELD, yesterday it was broken into" Fury said

"Broken into?" Bruce asked

"I thought a place like that would have maximum security" Natasha said

"It does" Fury said bluntly

"Was it HYDRA?" Steve asked

"You could say that" Fury said "it was broken into by one of their agents, one with powers"

Everyone looked to Bucky who was staring intently at the board and refusing to make eye contact

"No the same powers as mr Barns' here" Fury clarified "it was a girl who goes by the name of 'phase'"

"Phase?" Clint asked "cool name"

"Hmm" Fury said "well this girl has the ability to fly, make force fields and she can make her body able to pass through solid objects. She also has super strength-"

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down- she can pass through solid objects?!" Tony interrupted

"Yes, that's what I just said" Fury said

Tony glared at him "Look from where I'm sitting that seems like a pretty big deal"

"It is, she just walked in and took what she wanted, we couldn't do anything - the only impact we made was when we used sound waves to stun her but even then we couldn't do anything" Fury said in a bitter voice

"So you have a picture of her?" Wanda asked

"Yes" Fury said and a picture of you in a mask came on the screen

"This is her in her suit" Fury said

"And this is her without it" he flipped over to a picture of you

Bucky froze and Steve, who had been taking a sip of his water at the time choked

"Aww you think she's pretty" Clint joked

"the- that- that's y/n!" Steve said astounded, staring at the screen

"You know her?" Fury asked

"It- she, well she's dead" he said looking to Fury

"Well clearly not, but who is she?" He asked

"It- it's well, sh- she's Bucky sister"

Everyone turned to look at Bucky, he seemed to be completely frozen staring at the screen then suddenly he yelled, jumping up and smashing his metal arm against the table which immediately broke

"Bucky it's alright" steve said also standing

"No it's not alright!" Bucky Yelled, not giving a damn if the team could see the tears streaming down his face "that's my fucking sister! My sister! Is there nothing HYDRA won't fucking take from me?! That's y/n! That- This- I cant. Steve tha-that's y/n goddam it!"

"Bucky I know we will get her back"
Steve tried to comfort him

Bucky put his head in his hands and started to hyperventilate, Steve went over to him and pulled him into a hug

"What have they done to her Steve?"

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