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- time skip a few weeks-

You laughed for the first time in a long time, you were sitting in the kitchen with the avengers. Either side of you was Bucky and Steve. Clint had just told a joke and everyone was laughing.

You took a deep breath and thought about how lucky you were. After being at HYDRA for so long you thought you would never be happy again, but there was really light at the end of every tunnel

Of course you should have been at court and might not even be here, seeing if you could be forgiven for the things HYDRA made you do, and desperately trying to convince everyone that you were indeed brainwashed however after saving Fury's life after steve went a little crazy he had made a few exceptions

Tony had offered to let you live at the tower and it was amazing, you had a room next to steve and Bucky and the last few weeks had been amazing.

The tower was amazing, there was a pool, a gym, and it was slap bang in the centre of New York, which was amazing.

You had spent the days catching up on what you had missed during your time with HYDRA. You thought the internet was amazing! And the food was so much better! Everything was so high tech!

You had taken a particular liking to Pringles which were these fried potato things that came in a circular tube, you had demolished so many packets

The avengers were so nice too, a little sceptical of you at first but they soon opened up to you,

Natasha had trained with you and said you were 'very impressive' which coming from someone with the skills like her, was huge

Tony had helped explain mobile telephones and all the technology he left lying around

Steve had given you a very extensive reading list- he knew how much you liked to read and now you have a list of a least a hundred book to read!

Clint was so funny, he spent his entire time cracking jokes and making puns. You and him had spent hours laughing and dumb things you had said

Wanda was the last to open up to you, but once she had, she let you plait her hair and you talked for hours about anything and everything

Bruce had spent a long time in his lab, you brought him food and even though he was shy, he was cute and he explained things to you when you didn't know what was going on (which was most of the time)

Your nights were still plagued with nightmares and you still felt an incomprehensible amount of guilt but Bucky had helped you so much, you spent almost all your time with him

Every time you thought you were a killer you reminded yourself Bucky did it too and he's not a killer, why are you different?

You knew you had a long road ahead of you but as of now, you were happy and things were looking up.

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