Extra Chapter: Jealousy

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When Jealousy rear its
ugly head.

"Laxus, I'll just be here with Lissana. Go with your friends." Mira urge her over protective husband off her personal space all the time even if they are in a birthday party of the King. It's been a month and she thought he'd somehow lessen this attitude of constantly attached to her side not that she mind but she don't want him getting more distant and aloof than he already is. After their marriage she was expecting him to be working with the Raijin again, only to find out he stopped on taking a jobs. He made a preposition with Grandpa about handling a business of his own using his own fund which none of them thought he is very much loaded.  Grandpa even accused him of illegal activities to extort money but he just shrugged him off and showed us stocks of quest and its reward as evidence. He's been keeping his reward money wisely, well... we were shocked that he is a business minded man. She thought he was a just an airhead all the time.

"Nah." He sip on his wine, looking at the crowd in front of him with a bored look on his face. She sigh. "Don't neglect them like that. They are upset enough that you are not with them anymore."

Her husband frown, "They aren't kid beside they can do well without me. I find no reason to go on a mission anymore now that we are starting our business soon."

"We?" She raised her brow in question, she recalled nothing of that sort. Laxus throw a glare at her, "You're my wife so of course it's ours, Mira. You gotta help me."

Right... She blush at her stupidity and joy. "I'm sorry. What kind of business do you intent to build anyway?"

"Mmm...  You suggest, just something not troublesome." He said, gently tugging me closer as the venue started getting rowdy a stern look on his face.

She lean lightly, smiling as he kisses her crown. "We'll think of something later. Still, you should go with your pals and I'll stay with Lissana." She pull away, pushing him towards them. "They at least deserves your attention sometimes, darling."

She forcibly push her husband till he reluctantly walks towards them. I wave at him and went to Erza's group. The red hair is busy chatting with the girls from another guild she quite close to.

"Hey, Mirajane."

She knows that voice very well, "Hello, Jenny." she turned around and greeted the woman with a smile.

"Settling down eh? You'll lose more fans now." She said haughtily, "Do that and I'll be the only beauty in all of fiore!"

Mira could only chuckle, "Congratulation, Jenny." she greeted genuinely.

Jenny sigh in what seems to be annoyance at my lack of answer, "Don't go bragging about marriage life hmp! By the way, Jason is asking if you could join this week's theme."

"Ah I'm already thinking of quitting those." She smile shyly, "I want to focus on married life."

Jenny rolled her eyes, "Yeah whatever. Just come tomorrow if you change your mind, Mirajane." she wave at her and walked off.  She shook her head, smiling to herself as she watched the rowdy ball room. She remembered the first time they attended this party. There is not much difference in how loud it was then and now.

"Hey get your hands off of Laxus! He is a married man!" It was Freed's voice, she search the crowd where she had left her husband and found him swarmed with woman. He look bothered she could feel and yet remained passive. It was the same woman as back then plus additional of new faces. A pack of crows she referred them back then, she could only look elsewhere back then as she could not done anything. She was just a guild mate then.

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