Chapter 8: Mates

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Determined to find out the truth, She stormed out of the room to search for the blond male and found him in the kitchen TRYING to fry an egg. You thought he can cook? Well, he can't! He only knows how to prepare the ingredients. Focusing on my attention on the current case and not to the poor egg is proving to be difficult, not when she can smell it burning.


He stiffened upon hearing my voice, turning to me with his sheepish look. Adorable- Mira focus! "Laxus." She placed the book on the kitchen isle. She watch him look at the book then to me with guilt before it turn into passive.

He sighed, "What about it?"

"Why do you have this book? I lost this in the forest." She glared, crossing her arms.

He too crossed his arms and look down on me, "You didn't lost it. I picked it up when you dropped it when you used your take over magic." He raised his scarred brow.

"You should have told me. I was looking for it and you know it." She hissed, getting mad at his calmness.

He approached stealthy, stopping just few feets away. "First." He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the living room squirming. Carrying the book.

"Laxus! This is no joke put me down!"

"Shut up. I feel irritated when you are far away." He grumbled, sitting on the couch with me on his lap. He quickly buried his face to my neck.

"Laxus! Be serious!" She scolded him, face red. Trying to get off him which he did not even allowed.

"I was hopeless when you found me. I thought I could use the book as hostage if anything happens." He said seriously, hugging me from behind.


"Are you in your right mind taking a book as hostage?!" She retort.

He huff, "I was desperate. You were scary and the book was the only thing I got."

"Where did you even hide it that I didn't even noticed?" She ask.

"I was not completely unconscious."

She push his face away from her head, "Why didn't you tell me now? Still don't trust me?" She ask, little hurt.

"Woman. It's not like that." He growl, pulling me closer more, "I got curios and read the book. It was about Dragon season and stuff."


"I wanted to know."


"Everything." He sighed, placing the book in my lap. "Here. Read it." He got busy nuzzling to my hair again, contented like a cat.

Giving up, She started reading the book.

Any being is destined to meet their fated. Their Mates. Their Equal. 3 Fates ones said that every being has its string connected to another one and when they find their fated their strings would then glow and blossom. They would love and cherish each other unconditionally and boundless. It could be anyone. It could be you.

Dragon's like any other being is no exception. They longed for a mate and they are given rare chances to find  their mates. Dragon's , they possess such great power, but it does not mean their heart is as strong as them physically. Their heart is delicate and can easily be broken. I beg you that you do not break their heart. They will only have one mate. They will only treasure one and love one.

I am a human with a Dragon mate. And we will tell you how we came to be mates.

On the first day of the month of the season. Dragon's senses are heighten either conscious or unconscious. Mates can identify each other through smell, they have especial smell that only they can like.

MINE (Miraxus Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα