Chapter 17: Wishes and Schemes

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It's fun to watch people
Fall in love.
They tend to do stupid things

At the age of 10 she never thought she would have to shoulder such burden all her life. Everything was perfect the next thing it was utter despair. She couldn't weep like the rest, she put it in her mind that she shouldn't because she have to be strong. For them. For herself.

"Young lass, come with me. I'll share you my home." A gentle old man pat her in the head. It was soothing and she could find comfort in him, unlike the others.

"I have a home..."

"Yes, you do and it's a beautiful home."

She felt glad at the complement, "Mother and Father made it beautiful." She said glancing at her home behind her. Memories dance in her mind, filling her heart with happiness. "I wish they never left."

"They will watch over you and your siblings. How about this... I help you keep your home beautiful but you have to see my home. You and your siblings can even stay if you want." The man suggested, she trust him. He was kind she could tell and he could take care of them. But, she didn't want to live their home. She was afraid all her memories would disappear if she was away from it. Her siblings... they need to be taken care of financially. She was too young. Unable. Hopeless. She look at the old man in front of her.

"Grandpa, will you teach me to take care of my siblings? We will return if I can stand on my own." She was determined, he could see it in her eyes. The kind old man smile as he held out his hand. "Deal."

The ride to his home took little time but she enjoy glancing from the window of the carriage. It was a magnificent city she could tell. She held her siblings hands as the carriage stop in front of a building. It was not home. At Least, it did not look like one.

"Nini.. Where are we?" Her younger sister ask sleepily while her younger brother silently amusing himself looking outside the window.

"We'll be staying here for a while..."

"Come down you three. Let's go inside, they are waiting." The old man calmly walk towards the door. She held her siblings hand protectively as they stood beside the old man. She could hear noises inside. What kind of home is this? She made the wrong decision and before she could even turn back the door was already pushed open. Pairs of eyes greeting them and silence.

"Welcome our new addition to the family, you fools!"

Loud cheers was then heard. She couldn't get what they were saying or it was too overwhelming for her. She feel hands tugging them to step inside and they were fed. Series of questions and welcome. Her siblings easily got comfortable and was already chatting away and having fun. She guess it wasn't that bad being here after all. She didn't know how long she was just talking to them while keeping a glance at her siblings but soon after cause of tiredness, she fell asleep blocking all the noises.

She didn't know how long she was sleep but she woke up it was still as noisy as ever. Feeling much better and energise she look around to just to notice that her siblings were not around panicking. She got up from the chair she's been sitting on,calling to them when she heard a grunt beside her. She glance at the person beside her and found a boy little older than her.

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