Chapter 4: Promise

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"I'm sorry, Mira... I don't think I believe..." She glance at Laxus. The blonde now relaxing at my touch as I continue caressing his hair while explaining to Erza what I know.

I sighed, "I can't blame you. I too am feeling like this is just some sort of joke but I don't think he'd go this far as to hurt himself just to fool us."

"You do have a point." She said still wary.

I shook my head, "Laxus." I called him. Smiling lightly as he looked up to me, "Can you tell us what you remembered?"

Laxus look reluctant as he glanced at Erza then to me. Clearly not trusting Erza and maybe even me. "The forest. It was bit hazy but I remembered getting my conscious and everything just hurt. There was lightening coming from me and it was slowly diminishing." He said lowly but clear enough for us to hear. "What do you remember about yourself?" I asked starting to get suspicious.

"Laxus. A lightning mage. That's what I remembered they called me." He said looking down, "And then you came."

"I did smell something odd there. Lots of them but it was slowly disappearing when I got there. Laxus scent was even stronger." I said looking at Erza in worry, "We should tell the master. He needs to know about it."

"While that is a good idea. But, not right now. Perhaps tomorrow." Erza got up, "It might just be concussion rendering him from remembering things. Tomorrow he might regain what he lost. For tonight you are responsible of Laxus, Mira. He is in your care." She added giving a little smirk. I blushed a bit.


"I shall scout the area tonight and see what I can find." She crossed her arms, "By the by, where is the book? That is after all, the reason I am here." I stared at her for a few seconds before gasping at my clumsiness. "Goodness! The book! I left it at the forest, Erza! I was in the rush to get him here!"

Erza sighed, "I'll look for it when I'll scout the area. You two rest. And please refrain from doing something out of marital duties." She grinned before striding to the door and out the house, leaving me mouth gaping at the close door.

"Is she a close friend of yours?" He questioned after seconds of silenced. "Well... She is our guild mate. She's a friend of course." My former rival in the younger days. "Hungry? Let's eat." I got up before offering a hand to help him up. "You shouldn't have sat on the floor, Laxus." I frowned taking a look at his stained shirt, "You're reopening your wounds." The male just grunted in reply, realising his mistake. "Let's me tend to it first."

"Don't. I'll be fine." He said, I was ready to protest when I heard his stomach grumbles. The male look down on his feet, ears red. "Food first..." I gave in. I'm too weak for hungry men. I'm sorry.

"Alright. Food." I relented, walking to the kitchen and prepared the meals in the table. We ate in silenced, a comfortable silenced. I watch him eat enthusiastically from the corner of my eyes. I feel somewhat proud of my culinary skills with his appetite devouring whatever is on the table. Can't help but smile which did not escaped the males eyes, giving me questioning look. "Nothing. Makes me happy when someone eats the food I made so enthusiastically."

"It's delicious." was his only blunt reply. I smiled even more. "How are you feeling?"


"Any pain?"

"A bit."

"I see."

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