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Let's get these questions poppin' then THE CHAPTER 💓  I'm doing 3 today.

P.S your going to start seeing me use my Nickname instead of my full name. <<on of the questions asked about my Nickname and I will be explaining the meaning behind it.

Q:Why is your nickname Riah and your real name is Esperzanda?
A: I was originally supposed to be named Terriah after my uncle who died the day I was born (Terrence) but my Father's Mother also died that day so my mom and dad decided to name me Esperzanda after my grandma who was Esparezande.

Q: What are your thoughts on being called 'Colored' or a 'Nigger'?
A:I think personally it's disrespectful because that's brings back old times back to when Blacks or 'Colored' people was Slaves and going through segregation.

Q: Why are they automatically assuming your black when the way you are talking is obviously White.
A: ummmmm.. you haven't heard me talk and I am black. My skin color is Black. My mom is black. I'm a African American & I'm also Latina. My dad skin color is Black. This is also kind of racist and I'm glad I'm about to address this.  Black People are independent and just as smart a white people so when we use 'Big Words' on Wattpad it shouldn't be automatically 'There white' cause that's not true. I know some AMAZINGGGG Black writers on Wattpad that use 'Big Words'. Don't come to my page being racist. I can be intelligent and still be Black. Don't be disappointed when a Black person/African American use a big word BECAUSE WE DO HAVE AN EDUCATION! WE GET THE SAME RIGHTS AS CAUCASIAN PEOPLE!!

Anyways😒lemme get to this chapter before I curse somebody child out.



I woke up with Michael arm around my waist. I looked up to see Laila looking at me. I got startled and pried Michael arm off of me. He just turned around groaning.

"What time is it?" I asked getting out of bed and stretching. I had on some more silk shorts and a one of Michael shirts.

"It's like 10am. Y'all look real cute cuddled up." She said turning around to walk to the second part of my room. I followed her and it comes to figure out the whole crew is here. They were all sitting there with ice cream and watching Nicktoons.

I just rolled my eyes and sat in between Laila and Jodi. I looked up and Spongebob was on. "Pass me a spoon." I said and Avery passed me a spoon. This is how we used to have our little 'Association Meeting' so as we was watching T.V. Jodi started the meeting.

"So. What are we going to do about Aniyah's Long Lost Twin?" Jodi started. I rolled my eyes and kicked her.

"Personally, I think I should beat her ass." I shrugged and licked the ice cream off my spoon.

"Nobody's doing nothing but that bitch can't stay here" Kiara said. I looked over and she was eating cookies and cream.

"I got in idea. Let's throw her shit in the pool." Laila said getting excited. All of our heads snapped towards her. She must be out of her rabbit ass mind if she thinks we bout to get in that type of trouble with Auntie Marye. "What?" She asked.

"Bitch you must be outta of your jack rabbit ass mind if you think we bout to get in that much trouble over a bitch that thinks she's Me. That's dead and you should be afraid your damn self. THATS YOUR MOMMA!" I said rolling my eyes and going back into eating my ice cream. What ever Laila smoking I want some.

She sucked her teeth before eating her big ass bag of chips. "Yea yea." She said.

"OOOOOOOUUU let's. I don't know. Not do nothing. She always getting us in trouble and I don't got time for it" Nina said.

She did always get us in trouble and maybe I'm a little too old to be wanting to fight a girl that's thinks she's Me.

"Ok. Y'all we actual gotta think about it she's right." I said shrugging. We all had cam to an agreement to leave her alone.

"Lord. Meeting adjourned." Kiara said getting up and taking her tube of ice cream with her.

I grabbed mines and turned the tv off. I looked up and they were all frozen. I got confused and went to what they was seeing.

It was Monae just sitting on Michael's torso and her head laying on his chest. Michael was so out of it his eyes was closed but his hands wasn't touching her. Thank god for that.

I got angry and ran towards her. I pushed her off of him and it woke him. "Yo, Monae What the fuck is wrong with you." I said getting even more mad.

"Aniyah girl chill out. I was..... sleep walking." She said rolling her eyes.

I nodded and laugh crazily. "Really? What I sleep punch your ass into the next fucking year if you ever and touch him again." I said. Now that I realize it. I made it seem like me and Michael  as together. Maybe I did want to be with Michael.

Michael was now wide awake just staring at me. The rest of them crazy chicks was just laughing.

"Whatever." She said and walked out. It took everything in me to not want to yank her lace front off her head. I wanted to so bad so I just said fuck it.

I grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked it off and just like that the whole wig came off. The whole was laughing their like maniacs and I just threw the wig in front of her while she was holding her head like that was supposed to help.

"What's going on here?" Auntie Marye asked. Awwww shit. Were all in trouble now.

Hey yall☺️ here's the chapter but it is kinda short more like 1,000 words short. I'm having writing block a little. Sooo yea😬

Anyways yea😘


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