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Walking down a corridor, Tracy slowly placed a step after the other while humming. Getting to a door, Tracy heard voices coming out through the door but, Tracy couldn't hear what the voices were saying. The voices sounded so familiar, a voice that reminded Tracy of her childhood. Tracy couldn't hold herself back from opening the door. She opened the door and immediately rushed in thinking she'd see her parents but saw no one but, so many corridors. As Tracy turned back to return through the door back to where she was, the door wasn't there anymore but, a corridor.

"Where am I?" Tracy asked herself as she stood in the centre junction of the cross corridors.

"Where am I?" Tracy asked herself.

"What's that?", was the question that ran through Tracy's thought as she saw a shadow moving in the corridor right in front of her. "Hello!" Tracy spoke to the shadow. The shadow's head moved and from the distance, Tracy noticed the movement then at a blink, the shadow was no more.

"Who was that? " Tracy asked herself as she turned to check the other corridor behind her, she saw the shadow again but this time, it was walking towards her. Just as the face of the shadow was about to reveal, it stopped and went into a corridor beside it.

Tracy became afraid and looked around for a weapon but, there was none. So Tracy stood brave, clinched her fist, facing towards the corridor she saw the shadow go towards.

She stood in defense for about a minute and saw nothing. Just about when she left her defense down, she felt a presence present behind her and immediately turned.

When she turned, she didn't see anyone but a knife in the middle of her chest. Tracy looked at the knife on her chest and then straight down the corridor and saw the shadow fading away. Tracy held the knife handle as she fell down sitting on the floor, bleeding to death.

Suddenly, she woke up screaming and found herself in bed. "Was that a dream?" she asked herself as she checked herself for any wound on her chest.

Immediately she was done checking, she looked at her cell door and saw a shadow standing out the cell door. Tracy immediately sat upright but this time the shadow didn't disappear. Tracy stood up and got closer to her cell door. Getting close enough, she saw blood entering her cell. Her eyes widen with fear as she looked through the door and saw a girl who wore a wet dress with fresh blood stain spots. The Blood was dripping down the dress to her feet then to the floor. As Tracy looked up from the floor of blood to the girl's face, she saw herself with no eyeballs, bleeding through her eye sockets and ears. Tracy screamed seeing that it's herself.

"Arhhhhhhhhh!" Tracy realized she was screaming on her bed.

She looked around and found nothing.

"Was this all a dream?" she asked herself as she checked for any blood or shadow.

"Stop screaming, Last warning", a voice from a guard warned.

Full of fear, Tracy sat upright on her bed, held her knees to her chest and started humming her usual rhyme.

After a while, she stood up, moved to the little table in her cell and sat on the chair in front, picked up a pencil, a note and started drawing pictures of how she killed her victims burning. After a lot of drawings, she wrote " CHESS, RITA and ROSE" on a paper, drew the names on fire, then, she used the pencil and kept on canceling the names over and over again with fear & anger written all over her face.

Back outside the facility, the detective, Mr. Roland Black was sitting at his office when a detective came up to him.

"So aren't you ready for the drink? It's Friday night" The detective whom just walked up beside Mr. Black said while sitting on Mr. Black's desk.

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