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"A shadow watching me anywhere I go. Could it be Abram? "Tracy sat down on her bed while those thoughts went passed her mind. Every kill Tracy made, there was always a shadow watching. "Sophie isn't smart enough to track my moves" Tracy stood up from her bed and started pacing.

"Something really annoying is going on; on my watch and you idiots are telling me you don't know why?" Ms. Rita angrily scolded the guards she had summoned.

"My patients have been missing. They couldn't have escaped, not dead because, I can't find no body and still missing" Ms. Rita said then inhaled and looked at the guards for a moment and said" If those girls aren't found, you all wouldn't want to know what I would do. Get out of my office".

"Get Tracy" Ms. Rita commanded the guard over the phone.

"Not at my watch" Ms. Rita added as she hanged up the phone.

"She killed her, she killed my Princess" Dorcas kept murmuring.

The speakers were turned on and a voice said "Free Time in five minutes".

Tracy's cell opened just after the announcement was made.

Tracy was not surprised, she knew her door opened earlier because, she's been called. That's the only explanation. A guard immediately showed up and said, "You know the drill". Tracy smiled and then headed out with the guard.

Walking to Ms. Rita's office, The Examiner, Mr. Goodwill was coming towards Tracy whom was ahead of the guard while walking towards Ms. Rita's office.

He couldn't stop to tell Tracy his findings so, he walked pass them. Tracy's eyes followed him as he walked pass. She knew he had the information she requested because, when he passed by, he looked at her and nodded.

"What took you so long?" Ms. Rita cautioned the guard while standing up from her chair to the door. Getting to the door she told Tracy to sit down. Then she whispered something to the guard who left just after the whisper. Ms. Rita shut her office door and turned saying, "Tracy, I want you to be truthful with me. A lot of things are happening on my watch and it really hurts". Ms. Rita walked to her chair and sat down while Tracy just kept calm waiting for Ms. Rita to get to the point.

"I made you my eyes and ears for a reason and it's about time I start getting results. My girls are missing. They couldn't escape, they are weirdly missing. Vanish just like that is unimaginable. I'm hoping you can explain that to me" Ms. Rita said and waited for Tracy to reply but, Tracy said nothing.

Ms. Rita took up a list from her desk and showed Tracy. "These girls are nowhere to be found. Do you know where they are?" Ms. Rita asked Tracy again.

"Come to think of it, all these were at a minimum before you arrived. My Cook got missing, my guards missing and my girls. At least we usually find them dead but now I can't even find them dead" Ms. Rita said with a fixed stare at Tracy, trying to read Tracy's expression.

"Do you think I did it?" Tracy asked Ms. Rita.

"If you didn't do it, get me the location of the missing girls or the person who is responsible for this. Do you understand?" Ms. Rita concluded and added "Tracy I'd be watching you".

Tracy was dismissed and left the office. Ms. Rita wasn't her worries. When she saw the Examiner, all she wanted was to get to him and get the information she needed from him.

Back at the cell hall, Dorcas was at Tracy's cell door waiting on Tracy.

Dorcas spotted Tracy and walked towards Tracy. "You little Deaf Bitch", Dorcas said while pulling Tracy backwards to the floor. "You are dead, I tell you. I know what you've been up to and I know you killed my princess", Dorcas said to Tracy as the guards ran to calm the situation. Tracy stood up before she could be helped up and dusted her butt. Dorcas was dragged to her cell as she wouldn't want to calm down. She kept on struggling to get to Tracy. One of the two guards holding Dorcas spoke to his mouthpiece and Dorcas cell door closed as soon as they put her in.

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