Chapter 12

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I'm running out of patience
'Cause I can't believe what the hell
I'm hearing
And speaking of hell
It don't compare to this heat
That I am feeling

I love you too much
It shows
All my emotions go
Out of control oh whoa whoa
Good for you bad for me
When I can hardly see
From the tears that flow oh whoa

Can't forget to breathe slow
Count from one to ten
With my eyes closed
'Cause ladies take it in
And get comp- oh oh oh 'sure
Before I lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure

I am gunna breathe slow
Count from one to ten
With my eyes closed
'Cause ladies take it in
And get comp- oh oh oh 'sure
Ladies never lose comp, oh oh oh 'sure

Not goin' lie
Or even try
You've got my wheel spinning
And I ain't the one to show
The gun
'Cause that means you will be
Winning oh yeah

God! I feel so hungry, she murmured to herself as she went around the house looking for anything she could bite. She had cried and shouted yet no one came to her rescue. Instead of being sorry for herself she had decided to roam around.

At last she saw the kitchen, with everything so well arranged. The owner must be super rich, she though to herself opening the fridge. She got some milk and choc chips cookies and started munching them. They were delicious, of course she got that right after the sixth one.

She had previously tried to get out and the guards just couldn't let her. Tried asking them to help with a phone so she would call her bestie but still nobody was willing to help. So she decided to make herself at home. After all whoever wanted to harm her, who she thought was Stanley, would have done so when she was vulnerably out.

Stanley and his cousin tried to get as much dirt about Salim as they could. They were running out of time and he couldn't live with himself if anything happened to people he cherished the most. On top of his list was Mercy. Unfortunately what he didn't know is that he couldn't trust anyone including his bodyguards and most importantly Mercy's bestie Beka. He had been shocked after revelations that Beka was just a stupid carniving bitch. He also couldn't tell Mercy. Not just yet.

Information reached Salim about Mercy's whereabouts and decided to ambush the place and kidnap Mercy. He sent his best men for the job and this time he decided to see to it himself that the mission was accomplished.

She heard gunshots outside and got scared to the core. She almost peed on herself. Fear gripped her as she ran around looking for a place to hide. Closet, she though would be safer. She therefore ran to the bedroom she had woken from and got inside the closet closing it behind her. She heard the front door open and footsteps. They were getting closer to her hideout. She couldn't even dare breath out. 'Stanley, what did I ever do to you' she asked herself placing a hand in her mouth to prevent any sound from escaping from her mouth.

"You can now come out little whore!" Salim thunderously called out. She kept mum as she waited with baited breath. Suddenly the closet burst open and someone pulled her by the hair tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Where's your boyfriend? He cant even protect his little puppet?" He asked her sneering arrogantly.
"What do you want with me?"

He gave her a hot slap that left her sprawling on the floor and some blood at the corner of her mouth. "I ask the questions bitch! Not the other way round! Take and to the penthouse. He ordered one of his men and left the place.

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Stanley or Salim?


Till p**** does us part (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora