Chapter 3

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Beka 👆

First I get cold and hot, Think Am alright but I’m not, Oh what I think I’ve got it must be love…
There’s nothing I can do, all that I want is you, look what am going through
It must be love.
It must be love oh…it must be love, I fall like a sparrow, fly like a dove,
You must be the dream I’ve been dreaming of, Oh what Am feeling…..”
Ladies with singing in the shower....

Beka : “Knock Knock!”
Mercy: “ Whose there? Bitch get in and close the door behind you”

Beka was Mercy’s best friend. They shared everything and anything. She was pretty and outgoing unlike Mercy who always almost kept to herself. She had known Beka almost all her life. Well, not all but she knew enough of her life and had been part of it since ‘the incident’ as they used to call it because they never wanted to revive the story. It had been too painful for Beka that she got so depressed, nearly committed suicide.
See, Beka was a she-male (or so Mercy thought). They had met in the worst of circumstances when she found her being beaten up by a man because she couldn’t go home with him after drinking his booze. She had therefore rescued her from the dude and had made her her friend. Best friend for that matter.

What’s up? She asked giggling at her. You look like you’ve not slept! Beka reckoned. You’ve got some eye bags woman! What up?? “I can’t tell you” Mercy replied. But knowing her friend only too well she had to fill her in. She told her everything except the fact that she had hugged him.

She wore a navy blue dress which hugged on her sweet figure well well! “You look nice My bish” Beka commented eyeing Mercy narrowly. She knew she hated it when she looked at her like that. “lets go.” They walked fast to get to work and start on their days. Beka was a Cashier at a supermarket near Drips. Once they got there everyone said their goodbyes and went their way.

She opened her joint and waited for her customers. And there he was. He came closer and she would feel her hear beat so fast. That familiar nervousness she felt when she thought of him.

Stan: Hey good morning?
Mercy: “eeer…what did you say?” Shit she felt embarrassed to say the least. This was so unlike her to droll. What's happening to me? She asked herself as she saw her reflection in Stan's eyes.

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