Chapter 10

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Moon and stars sit way up high
Earth and trees beneath them lie
The wind blows fragrant lullaby
To cool the night for you and I
On the wing the birds fly free
Leviathan tames angry sea
The flower waits for honey bee
The sunrise wakes new life in me

And every hour of everyday I'm learning more
The more I learn the less I know about before
The less I know the more I want to look around
Digging deep for the clues on higher ground

Derrick was busy with everything they had thought of for Mercy's surprise when he got a call that immediately changed everything. Everything stood at a standstill. He took in breaths in plenty. He was shocked.

"What?" He roared staggering and holding onto a wall. "I am on my way" he said scrambling to find his car keys. When he reached there he saw him first. He went straight to him and punched him in the face. He continued punching him and he saw everything like whirl winds.

Derrick loved his cousin. They had been through too much together and could literally do anything for him even if it meant killing. Stanley was the brother he never had and had gone so much to get to where he is today. Therefore his policy was, 'if Stanley is happy, I'm happy too'.

He was beating him breathlessly until he felt his hand numb from punching. He brought forth his phone and called the only person he trusted and respected the most. Stanley.

"I'm on my way and I'm coming with her. Don't try anything stupid. We need to hear from him okey?" He told him sternly.

"I'm not moving" he said shivering. Within a few minutes Stanley was there. And in brought Mercy dangling on his broad shoulders. She went upstairs with her and put her slowly to bed, pulling duvet cover in her. She looked peaceful. He stroke her chin and kissed her forehead. "She'll be up in a few hours, we need to finish this. She will also demand explanations so we need to be ready." He whispered to Derrick who looked like he would explode any minute.

"Show me everything. I need to see everything for me to know what exactly transpired." He said dangerously looking at Derrick who had now calmed  down a little.
"Here. See him yourself then tell me what you could have done in my place." Derrick said pulling out his mobile phone and unlocking it to reveal the one thing Stan wished he didn't.

After viewing it silently he seemed agitated and was desperately trying to hide it. "Her life is in danger." He said tiredly. "We need to protect her at all cost. They are on us again. Seems like they never heeded my warning. Let's roll!"

Short and sweet right?

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