Chapter 21: Inhuman

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We were here. I pulled the car into the empty church parking lot, and turned it off before sitting there for a minute and thinking about what I was about to do. My trance was captivated by the billowing yellow police tape as I took a deep breath and in my heart I knew it was time. Time to finish all of this or at least that was what I hoped would happen. Taking one last look in the mirror at my new appearance, I pulled on the handle and the door ejected for the body of the car.

I pushed it the rest of the way and then swung my legs out. The world was still relatively quiet in these early morning hours, and that made me feel more comfortable with what I was about to do. Climbing out of the car, I slammed the door behind me and strutted toward the archaic structure. Deep down Inside of me, somehow I always knew a church would be the place where my life changed but I assumed it would be the day I got married to Sophie, not fighting off evil spirits in an attempt to save our lives.

As I got closer to the church, all my senses began to overload, while I listened to my steps tapping the ground and smelling the dusty air that filled the town. This could be the final time I ever experienced these things as I got to the yellow police tape. I ducked underneath, and it put me right in front of the double door entrance to the church. Grabbing the handle on one of the double doors, I pulled it open and the smell of rot and decay billowed out of it, yet it didn't stop me. Pushing through the scent, I stepped into the main room and then headed for the door across from the entrance that led to the cathedral.

I placed my hand on the brass orb and took another deep breath as I slowly started to turn it.

"Let's finish this."

Death's voice echoed in my head as my hand pulled the door open, causing it to squeal as it opened and it sounded like fingernails dragging on a chalkboard. However, I didn't wait for it to finish opening as I stepped into the dreaded cathedral. Upon taking my first step into the room, I assumed that I would start to burn by the force of some higher power, but that wasn't the case. I was fine. Suddenly an odd sound began to fill my ears, and that's when I realized what I was listening to. In the cathedral, the classical wedding march song was playing on the organ at the other end of the room. Then sitting in front of the instrument was the cloaked man, his fingers dancing across the keys. Directly behind him was a scene that I had seen before hours earlier. Sophie's body was lying there on the altar in the center of the stage.

We had the element of surprise or at least that's what I thought as I started to walk down the aisle, but not even five steps in, the man at the organ slammed his hands down as the low banging of the keys echoed around the room. I stopped immediately and watched as the man sat back and then stood up while keeping his head turned away from me.

"Well, well, well. I'm delighted that you are able to attend our wedding today, Owen. Oh and I see you brought that sacrificial fetus as well. No matter it doesn't change anything." The man began to maniacally laugh before his cloak started to spin around him and I finally got my chance to confront him.

"You're wrong this does change something, I'm not going to lose Sophie to the likes of you. Why is she so important anyway?" I yelled at the man, and his smile only grew wider.

"Well for the ritual of course, isn't it obvious? Everyone knows the sire of the fetus must die, and the heir to the summoners must marry the widow, to ensure the entrapment of the demon." The man retorted as he stepped closer to Sophie and I continued up the aisle.

"Then I guess your planned failed didn't it because I'm still here." I arrogantly smirked, but the man only continued to laugh.

"Yes in a way I guess you have created a small bump in the road, but that's something we can solve pretty quick." The man controlled himself and stood at the edge of the altar.

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